Secretary Reference and Recommendation Letter Sample

Updated on: June 28, 2024

A secretary performs essential administrative tasks, including managing correspondence, scheduling appointments, maintaining records, and supporting office operations.

They must be highly organized, proficient with office software, and possess excellent communication skills to effectively assist colleagues and facilitate smooth workflow within the organization.

When applying for a secretary position, a strong reference or recommendation letter can significantly bolster your candidacy. Such a letter highlights your skills, experiences, and personal qualities, providing potential employers with a comprehensive view of your capabilities.

This page offers a detailed sample letter and valuable tips to help you craft an impactful and professional secretary recommendation letter.

Whether you are a candidate seeking a new opportunity or someone asked to write a reference, this guide will ensure your letter stands out.

Secretary Reference and Recommendation Letter Page Image
Secretary With Her Reference Letter in Her Hand

Secretary Reference Letter Sample

Jane Smith
Office Manager
Acme Corporation
1234 Business Rd
Business City, NY 12345
[email protected]
(000) 123-4567

June 28, 2024

John Doe
Hiring Manager
Global Solutions Inc.
5678 Corporate Ave
Corporate City, CA 67890

Dear Mr. Doe,

I am writing to recommend Emily Johnson for the position of Secretary at your esteemed organization. During her tenure at Acme Corporation, Emily demonstrated exceptional skills and a commendable work ethic that significantly contributed to our administrative efficiency.

Emily has been with our company for three years, serving diligently in her role. She possesses excellent organizational skills and an exceptional ability to manage multiple tasks with poise and precision. Her responsibilities included scheduling meetings, managing correspondence, handling confidential documentation, and maintaining office supplies. Her ability to handle these tasks effortlessly, even under pressure, has been remarkable.

One of Emily’s key strengths is her proficiency in various office software and her ability to quickly adapt to new technologies and protocols. She is adept at using platforms like Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace, and other specialized software pertinent to our operations. This skill set allowed her to streamline several office processes, making our workflow more efficient.

Moreover, Emily has consistently exhibited strong interpersonal skills. She is courteous, approachable, and effective in communications—qualities that are essential in any professional setting. Her reliability and willingness to assist colleagues have fostered a positive working environment at our office.

In summary, I have no reservations in recommending Emily Johnson for your secretary position. Her professionalism, adeptness at administrative tasks, and the positive attitude she brings to her work would make her a valuable addition to your team.

Please feel free to contact me at (000) 123-4567 or [email protected] if you require any further information.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Smith
Office Manager

Tips for Writing a Secretary Recommendation Letter

1. Understand the Role

Before writing the letter, ensure you understand the specific responsibilities and skills required for the secretary position. This will help you tailor your recommendations to the job.

2. Use a Professional Tone

Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout the letter. This reflects the professionalism of both you and the candidate.

3. Structure Your Letter

  • Introduction: Start with your name, position, and company details.
  • Candidate’s Role and Tenure: Mention how long the candidate worked under you and the positions they held.
  • Key Responsibilities: Outline the core duties they managed effectively.
  • Skills and Strengths: Highlight their organizational skills, technical proficiency, and other relevant abilities.
  • Personal Traits: Describe their work ethic, reliability, and interpersonal skills.
  • Closing Statement: A brief summary of your recommendation and an offer to provide additional information if needed.

4. Be Specific and Provide Examples

Specific examples of the candidate’s work can make your recommendation more impactful. Mention particular projects they handled or challenges they overcame successfully.

5. Highlight Technical Proficiency

Secretaries often use various software and technological tools. Mention their proficiency in software like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and any other relevant tools.

6. Mention Interpersonal Skills

A secretary’s role involves significant interaction with colleagues and clients. Highlight their communication skills, approachability, and ability to foster a positive work environment.

7. Proofread

Ensure your letter is free from grammatical and spelling errors. A polished letter reflects well on both you and the candidate.

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