Special Education Teacher Introduction Letter to Parents

Updated on: August 29, 2022

Introduction letters are the norm nowadays, especially where new employees are concerned.

Companies believe that it is essential to introduce a new employee to customers as the first step in breaking the ice between the two parties.

Introduction letters are also used to provide customers with information on what to expect from the new employee and why a previous employee may have left or been let go.

Many schools also make use of introduction letters where new teachers or new classes are concerned.

This exercise takes the edge off parents and serves them with a tangible link for their children’s first day at school.

Depending on the type (and procedures) of each school, an introduction letter may be written by the employer introducing a particular employee or by the employee himself/herself.

Many organizations prefer that the employees write their letters of introduction so that some personal aspect is added to the company’s service.

Where special education is concerned, parents are always fearful about leaving their children who have special needs with a stranger.

In a situation such as this, an introduction letter written personally by the teacher can make things easier.

Here is an example of a special education teacher introduction letter:

Special Education Teacher Introduction Letter to Parents

Gloria Bush
Special Education Teacher
The Rainbow Academy
(000) 189-2058

August 29, 2022

Mr. and Mrs. Hammond
445 High Street
Cleveland, TN 77889


I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and Joshua into my classroom this year. I have been associated with The Rainbow Academy for ten years, and I find it quite an honor to be teaching Joshua’s class this year.

We, at The Rainbow Academy, feel that every child is unique not because of his or her limitations but because they have much more to offer than any other member of our society. Taking this belief forward, I would like to provide you with some information about my teaching style. I am a thorough believer in encouraging learning environments that are conducive to each child’s learning capabilities. Since I have a particular interest (and subsequent training) in Augmentative Communication strategies, I have been quite successful in placing many students in regular learning streams.

It would be a pleasure to meet with Joshua before classes begin next week. Please let me know through email or telephone if it would be possible to bring him around. I can be reached at extension 547 on any of the school numbers or through my email.

Warm regards,

Gloria Bush
Special Education Teacher
The Rainbow Academy
(000) 189-2058

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