20 Impressive Accounting Assistant Achievements for Resume | Stand Out Now

Updated on: June 25, 2024

When you’re applying for a position as an accounting assistant, showcasing your accomplishments in the field can make your resume stand out.

Highlighting your achievements not only demonstrates your skills and experience but also shows potential employers what you can bring to their team.

Below, we have compiled a list of 20 impressive accounting assistant achievements that can help you craft a compelling resume.

These achievements reflect expertise in various accounting functions, from managing financial records and streamlining processes to conducting financial analysis and supporting audit preparations.

Use these examples as inspiration to tailor your own achievements and present yourself as a highly capable candidate ready to add value to any organization.

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20 Sample Accomplishments for Accounting Assistant Resume

1. Managed Financial Records

Efficiently managed and processed financial records for [Company Name], ensuring 99% accuracy and compliance with accounting standards.

2. Streamlined Accounts Payable

Streamlined accounts payable processes, reducing payment cycle time by 20%.

3. Reconciled Bank Statements

Reconciled over 100 monthly bank statements with a 99% accuracy rate.

4. Supported Month-End Closing

Supported month-end closing processes, contributing to a 95% timely financial reporting rate.

5. Prepared Financial Statements

Assisted in the preparation of financial statements, delivering 12 balance sheets and income statements annually.

6. Managed Payroll

Managed payroll for a staff of over 50 employees, ensuring 100% timely and accurate disbursements.

7. Implemented New Filing System

Implemented a new digital filing system that improved document retrieval time by 30%.

8. Reduced Accounts Receivable Discrepancies

Reduced discrepancies in accounts receivable by 15% through diligent monthly tracking and follow-up.

9. Conducted Financial Analysis

Conducted financial analysis to identify cost-saving opportunities, leading to $10,000 in annual savings.

10. Assisted in Audit Preparations

Assisted in annual audit preparations, providing 100+ required documents and information.

11. Generated Expense Reports

Generated and distributed 12 monthly expense reports to department heads.

12. Managed Petty Cash

Managed petty cash accounts, ensuring 100% of expenditures were properly recorded and reconciled.

13. Improved Data Entry Efficiency

Improved financial data entry efficiency by developing new spreadsheet templates, reducing entry time by 25%.

14. Assisted with Tax Returns

Assisted with the preparation of 20+ tax returns annually, ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.

15. Streamlined Vendor Payments

Streamlined vendor payment processes, improving vendor relations and reducing late fees by 15%.

16. Cross-Departmental Projects

Participated in 5 cross-departmental projects to improve overall financial operations.

17. Trained New Assistants

Trained 5 new accounting assistants, enhancing team productivity and performance by 20%.

18. Developed Financial Reports

Developed 10 detailed financial reports for management per quarter, aiding in strategic decision-making.

19. Reduced Overdue Accounts

Reduced overdue accounts by 18% within one quarter by creating and executing effective collection strategies.

20. Performed Regular Audits

Performed regular audits and cross-checks of accounting records, enhancing data accuracy by 15%.

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Closing Statement

Crafting a standout resume as an accounting assistant is all about showcasing your specific achievements. These 20 sample accomplishments highlight diverse skills and experiences that demonstrate your value to potential employers. Use them as inspiration to tailor your own resume, reflecting the unique contributions you can bring to a new position. With a well-prepared resume that features your achievements, you are well on your way to securing the accounting assistant role you desire.