Category Archives: Accounting

Accounting Associate Resume Objectives

An employer will be very happy to see your resume for an accounting associate position unless you have forgotten to put in a resume objective. This part of the resume is crucial to its success. Why?   Because the accounting associate resume objective stares right into the face of a hiring manager when he picks… Read More »

Accounting Associate Cover Letter Sample

One of the most challenging parts of applying for a job as an accounting associate is writing the cover letter. Why? Because more than just your knowledge of the work is tested in a cover letter.   How you communicate your skills and competencies is a huge focus area for hiring managers. You must not… Read More »

Accounting Associate Job Description

Position Overview An accounting assistant or associate works under the direct supervision of a certified accountant. The main work of a person at this position is to ensure that the company’s accounting procedures remain in check at all times. Accounting Associate Job Requirements In order to be eligible for an accounting associate position, you have… Read More »

20 Accounting Manager Accomplishments for Resume

In the role of an Accounting Manager, showcasing your achievements can set you apart from other candidates. Your resume is the perfect place to highlight your successes and the positive impact you’ve had in your previous positions. The following list of 20 accomplishments are carefully crafted examples that demonstrate the value you can bring to… Read More »