Farm Hand Resume: Sample, Job Description, Skills

Updated on: June 6, 2024
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Crafting a compelling resume is a crucial step to securing a position as a farm hand.

As farmhands are integral to the efficiency and productivity of any agricultural operation, it’s important to showcase both your hands-on experience and your dedication to farm tasks.

The sample resume provided below is designed to help you present your skills and experiences effectively, whether you are applying for a position at a small family farm or a larger agricultural enterprise.

This example will guide you on how to organize your resume, highlight key skills, detail your work experience, and include relevant education and certifications.

Farm Hand Resume Template

[Your Name]

[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]
[LinkedIn Profile] (optional)


Hardworking and dedicated farm hand seeking a position to contribute to the efficiency and productivity of your farm. Bringing hands-on experience in crop cultivation, animal care, and farm maintenance.


  • Crop planting, watering, and harvesting
  • Livestock feeding and care
  • Equipment operation and maintenance
  • Fence building and repair
  • Pest and weed control
  • Physical stamina and endurance
  • Strong work ethic and teamwork
  • Basic knowledge of farm safety procedures


Farm Hand
Smith Family Farm, [City, State]
June 2019 – Present

  • Assisted in planting, cultivating, and harvesting over 200 acres of crops including corn, soybeans, and wheat.
  • Fed and watered livestock, managing the care of 150 cows, 200 pigs, and 300 chickens.
  • Operated and maintained farm equipment including 3 tractors, 2 plows, and multiple harvesters.
  • Built and repaired 5 miles of fences around the farm property.
  • Applied pesticides and herbicides to control pests and weeds over an area of 100 acres.
  • Carried out general farm maintenance tasks, ensuring 95% smooth operations.

Farm Laborer
Green Acres Farm, [City, State]
March 2016 – May 2019

  • Supported daily farm activities including milking 50 cows and collecting 200 eggs daily, as well as cleaning animal pens.
  • Plowed and planted seeds across 150 acres during the planting season.
  • Harvested approximately 1,000 tons of crops manually and using machinery.
  • Performed basic maintenance on tools and equipment, reducing downtime by 20%.
  • Helped with packing and storing harvested goods, managing 500 storage units.


High School Diploma
Springfield High School, [City, State]
Graduated: May 2015


  • First Aid and CPR Certified
  • Agricultural Safety Certificate (optional)


Available upon request.

Farm Hand Resume Page Image

Related: Farm Hand Cover Letter Sample

Sample Job Description for Farm Hand Resume

  • Attend to farm animals and livestock in a bid to keep them fed and healthy.
  • Cultivate soil and sow crops on a designated piece of land.
  • Perform slashing and chemical spraying activities to ensure weed control.
  • Construct a variety of frames to support vines and berries.
  • Perform harvesting activities by using equipment such as harvesters and tractors.
  • Observe cattle for signs of illnesses and report any observations immediately.
  • Prepare milking machinery and perform milking activities by hand or with the aid of machinery.
  • Assist farmers in ensuring that farm animals get enough exercise and provide support in grooming them.
  • Ensure that operational areas and clean and maintained.
  • Clear away animal waste and clean and sterilize farm equipment.
  • Assist in farm animal breeding and raising procedures such as shearing, crutching, branding, and dipping.
  • Herd sheep and cattle on foot or motorbikes or horses.
  • Repair farm buildings, fences, and windmills and ensure constant maintenance measures are taken.
  • Adjust and repair farm machinery and notify farmers in the event of a malfunction.
  • Irrigate soil to ensure the quality of crops and pick crops for selling.
  • Weigh vegetables and fruits while marking batches.
  • Physically pick the cultivated crops and load them onto shipment trucks.
Farm Hand Skills for Resume Page Image

Sample Skills for Farm Hand Resume

  • Digging and planting seeds
  • Performing transplanting work
  • Determining the right seeds
  • Planting seeds
  • Identifying plants from weeds
  • Doing proper weed treatment
  • Selecting and using the right agricultural products
  • Setting up and operating irrigation systems
  • Choosing and applying the right pesticides and chemicals
  • Planting crops between trees in order to control weeds
  • Operating tractors and harvesters
  • Monitoring and overseeing the health and well-being of livestock
  • Preparing milking machines, and assisting with milking tasks
  • Cleaning and sanitizing milking machines
  • Cleaning animal waste while ensuring that no contamination occurs
  • Breeding and raising livestock
  • Repairing and maintaining farm buildings and land
  • Performing manual labor
  • Devising strategies for breeding and harvesting
  • Overseeing the work of seasonal workers

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