Category Archives: Teacher

History Teacher Resume Example

Similar to all other lead teachers, history teachers develop a curriculum in their subject area and implement it in a manner befitting the students. History teachers are required to be knowledgeable of the subject and depending on which area they are focusing on; they need to possess advanced knowledge of it! History teachers deliver lectures… Read More »

Geography Teacher Resume Sample

Geography teachers work in high schools where they are required to provide classroom instruction to students. They design and implement a curriculum for the geography subject and ensure that their students follow classroom instruction to understand its core concepts. Geography teachers are also expected to work with the school management and assistant teacher in developing… Read More »

Sample Cover Letter for Geography Teacher Position

Geography teachers develop curricula in keeping with the mental level of the student. They develop lesson plans that they are required to implement in groups or for the whole class depending on their setting. Apart from managing instruction for students, geography teachers are expected to supervise classroom behavior and act as a mentor to students.… Read More »

5th Grade Teacher Resume Sample

Preschool and elementary life is a crucial stage for all children. This is the main reason that educational institutes concentrate on teacher training for their teachers. A 5th-grade teacher has a lot on her job description and much to accomplish for children in a very short span of time. A 5th-grade teacher will need to… Read More »

5th Grade Teacher Cover Letter

5th-grade teachers are trained to provide students with a strong educational base that should help them in middle school programs. They are expected to design and implement a curriculum that addresses 5th graders’ core educational needs along with ensuring that they are provided with instruction on social skills and behavior. Since the elementary years of… Read More »

First Year Teacher Cover Letter Sample No Experience

First-year teachers work in elementary schools where they are responsible for teaching preliminary education such as an introduction to reading and writing, mathematics concepts, science, arts, and music. It may seem like an easy enough job, but it is far more difficult than it seems. If you are looking for a job as a first-year… Read More »

6 Resume Profile Statements for Teacher

In order to write a great resume for a teacher position, think about starting it either with a profile/summary or a Teacher Objective Statement. The profile for a teacher’s resume is also called a personal summary statement or career summary. It is used to portray your background and the knowledge, experience, or skills you bring to… Read More »