Dance Teacher Job Description and Skills

Updated on: July 23, 2024

Dance Teacher Job Description

A career as a dance teacher offers a blend of artistic expression and educational engagement.

Working in various settings, from schools to dedicated dance institutions, dance teachers spread their passion for dance while instilling technique and confidence in their students.

With positions filled by individuals from high school graduate level onwards, the unifying requirement is a robust foundation in formal dance training.

The role demands a perfect mastery of dance skills, not just for personal proficiency, but for successful transmission of these skills to others.

Dance teachers should be physically strong and agile, embodying the endurance required of their trade. Beyond physicality, patience, and a positive demeanor are instrumental, as students often face a steep learning curve.

For those considering this vibrant profession, the following is a breakdown of common responsibilities associated with the role of a dance teacher:

Dance Teacher Duties and Responsibilities Banner

Dance Teacher Duties and Responsibilities

  • Choreograph routines and select music for performances and rehearse with students.
  • Exhibit dance techniques and styles effectively for educational purposes.
  • Lead practice sessions in preparation for recitals and showcases.
  • Instruct in a variety of dance genres including, but not limited to, ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, and contemporary dance.
  • Assess students to understand their physical capabilities and artistic potential.
  • Personalize teaching strategies to accommodate diverse learning needs and interests.
  • Ready students for dance exams, auditions, and competitive events.
  • Set and communicate clear objectives for all dance lessons and projects.
  • Keep comprehensive and up-to-date records of student progress and attendance in accordance with administrative standards.
  • Foster a secure and encouraging atmosphere in the dance setting, upholding the institution’s standards and policies.
  • Pursue ongoing personal and professional development through workshops, conferences, and continuing education in dance.
  • Actively participate in the promotion of dance in the broader community through performances, collaborative initiatives, and educational outreach endeavors.

Dance Teacher Skills and Abilities

Dance Proficiency

  • Mastery in various dance forms such as ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, and contemporary dance.

Physical Fitness

  • High levels of physical strength, flexibility, and stamina to perform and teach dance routines.


  • Ability to create original dance routines and adapt existing ones to suit the needs of the class.

Instructional Skills

  • Expertise in breaking down complex dance moves and teaching them effectively to students of all levels.

Patience and Empathy

  • A patient demeanor and an empathetic approach to dealing with students’ challenges and frustrations.


  • Clear, effective communication skills to articulate dance techniques, give feedback, and provide encouragement.


  • Flexibility to tailor teaching methods according to the diverse learning styles and physical capabilities of students.


  • Innovative thinking to make lessons engaging and inspiring for students.

Organizational Skills

  • Efficient management of class schedules, student records, and lesson planning.

Motivational Skills

  • Ability to inspire and motivate students to strive for improvement and achieve their dance goals.


  • Upholding high standards of behavior, punctuality, and dress code appropriate to the dance teaching environment.

Continuous Learning

  • Commitment to ongoing education and professional development in dance teaching practices.

Embracing the role of a dance teacher is about more than just teaching steps; it’s about guiding students through the world of rhythm and movement, and watching them grow not just as dancers, but as individuals.

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