Reading Specialist Interview Questions and Answers

Updated on: July 5, 2016


Interviews are lessons in themselves. If you do not become successful, you will be given a kick that will make sure that you are successful the next time around.

It is completely useless fretting about impending interviews. Instead, it makes more sense to prepare for the specific questions that will make the interview process easy for you.

Different questions for different positions – for a reading specialist, the following set should suffice:


Reading Specialist Interview Questions and Answers

What kind of contribution can you provide to our school in the role of a reading specialist?
As a reading specialist, I can help your school from initiating reading programs, to successfully meeting program objectives. This involves everything from developing reading curriculums, and creating and implementing lesson plans to meet the individual requirements of each student.

What are your student evaluation methods?
My methods to evaluate students to determine their level of reading literacy are quite simple. I usually begin with interviewing them to determine their likes and dislikes to see how they communicate. When I know what they like, I choose a story that I am positive they will like to read, and ask them to read it while judging their body language, eye shifting and concentration levels.

What has been your biggest achievement as a reading specialist?
Since we cannot deny the effect that technology will have on future generations, I came up with a trick to join them, since I cannot beat them! My biggest achievement has been to successfully incorporate Bookflix, an online reading resource into regular reading programs, making the reading process fun for reluctant readers.

What is your take on graphic novels and their impact on the reading habits of our youth?
Barring some graphic novels that promote vulgarity and violence, I deem them an excellent resource for students who may have trouble with imagination. The graphics fill this hole and the dialogue clouds get them interested in reading. I believe that one has to resort to these tactics to encourage youngsters to read.

What do you think of the future of reading, considering that e-books are now all the rage, especially with the added feature of “listening”?
Many people may consider e-books great but many are also coming back to the conventional way of reading – good old books! I believe that even in the future, reading will be considered the backbone of education. The fact that parents of most youngsters who struggle to struggle to read, acquire the services of reading specialists is quite encouraging.

How would you enhance the effectiveness of a reading program that you have been assigned?
One of the best ways of doing this is through developing and acquiring resources and aides to encourage students in taking part in reading programs. If you make the process fun, the end result is always a success!