No Call No Show Explanation Letter Sample

Updated on: July 1, 2024

Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances or emergencies occur, leading to absences from work without prior notice.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the impact such actions can have on the workplace and take responsibility for our actions.

On this page, you will find a carefully crafted sample explanation letter that can be used as a guide or template when addressing a “no call no show” incident to your supervisor or manager.

This letter aims to help you convey your sincere apologies, explain the reasons for your absence, and outline your commitment to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Note: Every workplace and situation is unique, so it is essential to familiarize yourself with your company’s policies and guidelines regarding absences and communication protocols.

This sample letter should be seen as guidance and should be modified as necessary to suit your specific circumstances.

no call no show explanation letter sample banner

No Call No Show Explanation Letter Sample

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I am writing to explain my recent absence from work on June 27th and 28th without prior notice. I understand that my absence without a call or any form of communication is a serious violation of company policies and is highly unprofessional. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and disruption this may have caused.

On June 27th, I experienced a sudden medical emergency that required immediate attention and hospitalization. Unfortunately, I was unable to contact anyone at work to inform them of my situation due to the nature of the emergency. I deeply regret that I did not notify you in advance and take full responsibility for my actions. The circumstances that led to my absence were unforeseen and beyond my control. However, I understand that it is my responsibility to inform you as soon as possible when I will not be able to attend work.

I understand the negative impact my absence may have had on the team’s productivity, and I assure you that this incident does not reflect my commitment to my responsibilities as an employee. I am fully aware of the importance of attendance, punctuality, and communication in the workplace, and I will make every effort to prevent such occurrences in the future.

To prevent any future misunderstandings, I have taken the necessary steps to ensure that this situation will not repeat. I have set up reminders to notify me of my work schedule, and I have also included emergency contact details in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Once again, I deeply apologize for my actions and any inconvenience caused by my absence. I am committed to making a positive change and maintaining a high level of professionalism moving forward. If there are any further actions or consequences resulting from this incident, I am prepared to accept them.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.


Jane Doe
Employee ID: 12345
[email protected]
(555) 123-4567

Tips for Writing a No Call No Show Explanation Letter Banner

Tips for Writing a No Call No Show Explanation Letter

1. Be Honest and Sincere

Start by acknowledging your mistake and sincerely apologizing for it. Honesty is crucial in rebuilding trust.

2. Provide a Valid Reason

Explain the circumstances that led to your absence. Ensure that your explanation is truthful and provides enough detail to be understandable.

3. Take Responsibility

Own your actions by taking full responsibility for your absence. Avoid blaming others or making excuses.

4. Explain the Impact

Acknowledge the potential impact your absence may have had on your team or department. This shows that you are aware of the consequences and take them seriously.

5. Outline Preventative Measures

Mention any steps you have taken or plan to take to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future. For example, you might set up reminders or designate an emergency contact.

6. Maintain a Professional Tone

Keep the letter professional and respectful. Avoid using any casual language or tone.

7. Proofread

Ensure that your letter is free from grammatical errors and typos. A well-written letter reflects your professionalism and attention to detail.

8. Follow Company Policies

Familiarize yourself with your company’s policies regarding absences and communication. Make sure your letter aligns with these guidelines.

9. Include Your Contact Information

Provide your contact details so that your supervisor can reach you if there are any questions or follow-up actions required.

10. Keep It Concise

While it’s essential to provide all necessary information, try to keep your letter to the point. A concise explanation is often more effective.

By incorporating these tips, you can create a well-structured and thoughtful explanation letter that addresses your absence and helps to restore your professional standing.


Writing a “No Call No Show” explanation letter is an important step in addressing a serious violation of company policies and rebuilding trust with your supervisor or manager.

By following the guidelines provided and adapting the sample letter to your specific circumstances, you can convey your sincere apologies, explain the reasons for your absence, and outline your commitment to preventing similar incidents in the future.

Top comments from Our Readers

We’ve received an incredible amount of positive feedback on our recent article about writing explanation letters.

Here are some of the top comments from our readers who found the guidance and examples particularly helpful:

Emily R.:

This article was a lifesaver when I had to write my own explanation letter. The sample provided was clear and professional, making it much easier to draft my letter. Thank you!

John M.:

The tips for writing the letter were incredibly helpful. I especially appreciated the advice on being honest and taking responsibility. It made my letter feel more genuine.

Samantha K.:

I had no idea where to start with my explanation letter, but this guide laid everything out perfectly. Following the sample and tips, my manager was much more understanding about my situation.

Carlos L.:

Great resource! The example letter and the detailed tips helped me create a concise and sincere explanation letter. It really helped ease the tension with my supervisor.

Rebecca T.:

This post was extremely helpful during a stressful time. The sample letter gave me a solid foundation to build upon, and the tips ensured I covered all bases with my own situation. Highly recommend this to anyone in a similar bind. Thank you!

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