Leave Letter to Manager for Hospital Checkup

Updated on: November 25, 2021

When you are unwell, there is no way that you can work. However, you cannot leave work unless you have permission to do so.

A leave application to inform your supervisor that you have a hospital appointment is in order here.

In most situations, it is alright to take a day off for medical reasons.

However, if you have no leaves left, or want to go to the hospital mid-work, you will need to ask for permission.

A simple letter or email to your supervisor will suffice. Making sure that your leave application letter is spot on is important.

Provide as much detail as possible. Tell the supervisor why you need to leave so urgently.

Anything that you write in your leave application letter should be aimed at getting the reader to understand your situation, and empathize with you.

Related: Sample Leave Letter to for Wife Checkup

Here is an example that you can look through before attempting to write your own:

Sample Leave Letter to Manager for Hospital Checkup

November 25, 2021

Mr. Paul Doe
Human Resources Manager
6311 5th Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR27947

Subject: Leave Application

Dear Mr. Doe:

I have been under the weather lately, and have been doing my best not to let it affect my work. However, today I feel that I am at my wit’s end, as I am feeling quite sickly. My head is frozen and I am unable to concentrate on my work. Earlier on the day, I took a painkiller, which has not helped me much.

An hour ago, I called my doctor and was told that I need to visit him immediately. He has been kind enough to create an appointment for me for 2 pm today. I realize that it is difficult to take off during this busy time, but I have no choice. Since I am feeling so unwell, it will be difficult for me to concentrate on my work, let alone contribute to it.

As far as missed work is concerned, my colleague Ms. Hannah Brandon has been supportive enough to offer to take over my clients. She has assured me that my work will not be affected, for which I am extremely grateful.

If all goes well, and I am given a clear signal, I will report back to work by 4 pm. I will keep you posted about my situation.

Thank you so much for your support.


Harold Peking

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