Do I need to inform the employer two weeks before leaving?
If you work in the United States or Canada, the answer depends on the terms and conditions written in your employment contract.
In the majority of cases, you do not need to give a two weeks notice of resignation except if you are working under a contract that demands it.
If there is no written job contract between you and your employer, your service is presumed to be voluntary. You will not be required to give a 2-week notice in this case.
How to write a Professional 2-Week Notice Resignation Letter?
- Emphasize only positive things.
- Highlight how the company has benefited you professionally.
- Mention your last date of work.
- Offer any assistance during the changeover and afterward.
- Above all, never show any aggressiveness because you have to keep the reemployment door open.
See also: 1-week Notice Resignation Letters
In the following examples of the 2-week notice letters, you will notice that employees do not state much except their intention of going after two weeks.
2 Weeks’ Notice Resignation Letter With Reason
Amelia Cornwall
66 Cedar Street
Lindsborg, KS 82941
(000) 999-2030
amelia @ email . com
January 15, 2023
Mr. Emery Harrison
Manager of Human Resources
Nashoba Valley Marketing Services
66 Cedar Street
Lindsborg, KS 81074
Dear Mr. Harrison:
It is extremely difficult to say, but considering my circumstances, I am unable to continue my work as Secretary of Nashoba Valley Marketing Services. As mentioned in my employment contract, I am giving a two weeks notice of resignation effective January 29, 2023.
The decision to leave was not easy because I had been working here for a long time and considered the office as my second home. On the other hand, I should move to Bogue by the end of this month to look after my ailing mother.
During this two-week transition period, I will hand over my work to whomever you choose to replace me. If there are any notes that you would like me to prepare or an exit procedure that I need to follow, please let me know.
Thank you so much for your ongoing help and guidance throughout my tenure here.
Amelia Cornwall
Nashoba Valley Marketing Services
Two Weeks Notice Resignation Letter Without Reason
55 Austin Street
Overland Park, KS 50112
January 15, 2023
Ms. Helen Murdoch
Manager HR
Harrington Inc.
221 Lake Lane
Overland Park, KS 56213
Dear Ms. Murdoch:
Please consider this letter as two weeks’ notice of my resignation from my position as Administrative Assistant for Harrington Inc, effective January 29, 2023.
It was hard for me to decide this because I have been very comfortable in my role here. On the other hand, it is necessary for me to leave due to some domestic affairs. In fact, I feel proud to be a part of Harrington Inc. since its inception.
I would like to thank you for the time, patience, and perseverance which you have shown in providing me with the best training in the clerical arena.
As my last working day will be after 2 weeks, it will give me sufficient time to hand over my work to someone else. Once again, thank you for being an excellent supervisor, and for teaching me all that I know.
Sincere regards,
(Sign here)
Hannibal Lector
Administrative Assistant
Harrington Inc.
(000) 857-9872
lector @ email . com
Short and Straightforward Resignation
January 15, 2023
Mr. John Doe,
Managing Director
XYZ Company
Dear Mr. Doe:
Please accept this letter as my formal 2-week notice of resignation from my position as Marketing Manager for XYZ Company, effective January 29, 2023.
The professional skills I developed through my work here will be unforgettable. I anticipate that a two-week notice will be enough for you to find a substitute for me. If I can assist to prepare my replacement or fasten any loose ends, please let me know.
Thank you very much for providing me with this great opportunity.
[Sign here]
John Doe
Marketing Manager
Brief and Concise Resignation
January 15, 2023
Dear Mr. Doe:
I am writing this letter to officially tender my resignation from my position as an Accounting Assistant for XYZ Company.
As per my employment contract terms, I have to give 14 days’ notice before leaving. My last working day will be January 29, 2023.
It has been a great pleasure to work for XYZ Company and develop exceptional skills under your guidance.
If needed, please let me know how I can assist to make a soft transition during my remaining time.
[Sign here]
Mary Smith
Accounts Assistant
Polite Manner Resignation
Mr Jon Smith
HR Manager
January 15, 2023
Dear Mr. Smith:
Thank you very much for giving me a fantastic opportunity to work for XYZ Company as a Product Manager. I have learned a great deal during my time here. I am grateful for your leadership and guidance throughout my employment.
On the other hand, the time has come for me to go ahead. This letter is to announce my intent to resign on a 2-week notice officially. That being said, January 29, 2023, will be my last working day here.
This was not a simple choice to make. The past four years in this organization have been very worthwhile. I like working with you and managing a flourishing team devoted to a quality manufactured product delivered on time.
I will remain in my seat for the handing/taking process till my notice period ends. Please let me know what I can do to make my transition days a creative experience.
Best regards,
(Sign Here)
Andrew Michael