Many recruiters and hiring managers say that cover letters begin to blur after they have gone through a few.
Imagine a person whose daily task is to go through stacks of cover letters. An ordinary letter stands no chance of being read or considered.
Recruiters however also reveal that some letters seem to jump out of the stack.
These are the standout ones, and all hiring managers report one distinguishing feature of such letters, an attractive opening.
To come up with an impressive introduction, you need to go through various sample cover letters.
Choose a grand opening for your medical office assistant cover letter and be creative.
Do not copy/paste an opening. Nothing can replace genuineness in your cover letter, apply it.
Just be yourself, and your uniqueness will automatically shine through!
See also: Medical Office Assistant Resume
The following is a sample cover letter for a medical office assistant.
Cover Letter for MOA – Medical Office Assistant
Samuel Jenkins
912 Hopkins Sq, Sterling, CO 98440
(007) 444-6666
samuel @ email . com
July 23, 2019
Mr. Josh Kline
HR Manager
Saint Joseph Health System
86 Jade Enclaves
Sterling, CO 98440
Dear Mr. Kline:
I am responding to your job posting on for a Medical Office Assistant. You have mentioned several qualifications in your job description that make me think you are looking for someone with exactly my skill set. Let me briefly explain why:
✓ Well versed in communicating with patients and staff, scheduling appointments, processing payments and responding to patient’s demands and queries.
✓ Proven ability to handle, develop and follow up patient case files, and coordinate with relevant physicians as per protocol.
✓ Adept at entering and retrieving patient’s demographic and insurance data to and from various medical assistance software.
✓ Able to meet medical office administrative needs including billing, coding, filing, faxing, transcription and up keeping of MedExpress and similar interactive environments.
My previous employer recognized my ability to carry out all the tasks mentioned above each day with perfection. During my work experience at DW Hospital, I was additionally responsible for batching each day’s patient charges, ensuring timely and appropriate implementation of patient care plans and verifying patient insurances. I believe my experience in combination with detailed knowledge of challenges attached to the role of medical office assistant make me an ideal candidate for the job.
I look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Kline, concerning this position. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Samuel Jenkins
Encl. Resume