Writing a cover letter for a dry cleaner position can be easy if you have basic information. This includes knowledge of your abilities and strengths primarily.
However, just possessing information is not going to get you anywhere. You also have to know how to place it in a cover letter.
For a dry cleaner cover letter, you should highlight your ability to operate dry cleaning equipment.
Moreover, your knowledge of setting gauges and valves should be highlighted.
Since a lot depends on how well you word and format your cover letter, you must pay special attention to the structure.
Placing the right information regarding your dry cleaning skills and abilities, in the right way is imperative.
As a dry cleaner, you should focus on telling a recruiter how well-equipped you are to handle the job.
Here is a cover letter sample to help you:
Dry Cleaner Cover Letter Sample
December 1, 2018
Mr.Roald Peterson
Human Resource Manager
Hilton Hospitality
109 Terre Road
Sioux City, IA 12098
Dear Mr. Peterson:
This is with reference to the open position of a dry cleaner at Hilton Hospitality. Owing to extensive experience in this regard, I am positive that I will be a great person to hire. Over the 7 years that I have worked in a dry cleaner role, I have learned much about the work.
Since dry cleaning needs alertness primarily, I am sure that I will be the perfect candidate. I possess extensive experience in sorting clothes and ensuring that they are properly loaded into dry cleaning machines. In addition, my skills in setting and regulating gauges and valves are excellent.
Furthermore, I am well-versed in applying chemicals to clothes in order to take out stains, without damaging the fabric. Operating extractors and driers as well as garment treatment equipment is my niche.
Understanding completely that working as a dry cleaner requires great care and focus, I am positive that I am indeed the right person to hire. In fact, my resume highlights the several achievements that I have to my name, including introducing preventative maintenance and spotting procedures.
Positive that a meeting between us will be fruitful, I will call you soon to set a time. Until then, please feel free to contact me at (000) 999-9656 if you need further information to process my application.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Haley Miller
Enc: (Resume)