Mill Worker Job Description

Updated on: January 7, 2018

Position Overview

Mill workers work in different types of mills, including saw mills, lumber mills, and production mills, depending on their interest and areas of expertise.

The main work of an individual working at this position is to assist mill operators in operating mill equipment and tools. Since mill workers essentially work in an assistantship role, they may be hired at the entry level – or not.


A mill worker needs to possess a high school diploma or a GED equivalent at the very least. Formal education is not usually required, but it is important for mill workers to possess the skills necessary for this work. These will include the ability to identify materials and prepare compounds, and ensure that all materials meet the standards set by the mill management.

In addition to this, it is important for mil workers to be able to operate mill equipment in the absence of operators, or when it is time for them to take breaks. Also, mill workers are required to help operators check the operations of safety bars, and even perform mock evacuation drills off and on.

Working as a mill worker means that you will often have to work in harsh climates, which is why it is important that you are alright with working in such an environment. If extreme heat or cold bothers you, you may need to look for another career. As a mill worker, you will be expected to perform some or all of the duties listed below:

Mill Worker Job Description

• Assist in the startup and calibration of mill work processes, and ensure that any issues are readily reported.

• Correctly identify materials such as resins, oils, and water, and prepare compounds as instructed.

• Assist mill operators in all aspects of mill operations, including putting mixes on the mill, and adding compounds.

• Operate mills in the absence of the mill operator, and ensure that any issues are properly and timely reported.

• Oversee the work of the mill equipment in the absence of mill operators, while they take periodic breaks.

• Grind resins based on provided instructions, and cut up pans of blend in materials.

• Check operational safety of assigned mill equipment at the beginning of each shift.

• Report any identified quality or maintenance problems or issues to the supervisor.

• Ascertain that all safety rules and regulations are followed in a complete and appropriate manner.

• Keep all work areas clean and maintained, removing any leftover or hazardous materials at the end of each shift.