6 Lead Server Interview Questions and Answers

Updated on: December 24, 2020

Acing an interview is not one of the easiest things in the world. But since you cannot obtain a job if you don’t ace one, it is best if you go through the following set of interview questions and answers to prepare:

Lead Server Interview Questions and Answers

1. What was your journey to the position of a lead server?

I began working as a kitchen helper 7 years ago and quickly made my way to the front end of the restaurant where I was working. After working as a server for 2 years, I was promoted to the position of a lead server. And I have been working in this capacity ever since.

2. What duties have you performed in the role of a lead server?

As a lead server, I have been busy performing serving activities, aimed at ensuring that customers’ orders are expedited and that any additional orders are served on time. In this role, my duties have included overseeing servers to ensure delivery of exceptional services, monitoring order inflow, expediting orders by maintaining liaison with kitchen staff members, ensuring the accuracy of prepared orders, making sure that welcome drinks are served as soon as customers are seated, bussing tables and buffets, and overseeing the cleanliness and maintenance of customer areas.

3. In your opinion, what skills does one require to work as a lead server?

Working as a lead server successfully requires consummate skills in providing exceptional customer services, within a food service capacity. Knowledge of menu items and how they are prepared, the ability to give suggestions to customers, expediting orders, and overseeing the work of the server team are just some areas that need to be understood. Moreover, it is imperative to be able to effectively assist in the kitchen area, which requires knowledge of food preparation activities. Also, a lead server needs to possess excellent leadership qualities as he or she has an entire team that he or she is responsible for.

4. What do you find most difficult about working as a lead server?

The work does offer a lot of responsibility, but I wouldn’t call it difficult. Yes, it can be challenging at times, especially when high customer volume is experienced. But for that, I am quite well-prepared.

5. What has been the most challenging situation that you have had to deal with?

There was a customer who became quite upset at the fact that he was not served the item that he had ordered. Since the waiter who had taken his order had repeated it before confirming it, we were sure that the right order had been delivered to his table. However, he got antsy and became a little abusive. It took all that I had to calm him down, and then refuse service to him.

6. What are your 3-year professional plans?

Within the next 3 years, I hope to be working as a head waiter.