Teacher Appreciation Letter from Student

Updated on: April 11, 2019

Being a student is not easy. But the right teacher can make things wonderful, both academically, and personally.

It a fact that teachers have a great negative or positive effect on students. If your teacher has had the latter, it is time to show some love.


An appreciation letter to your teacher, for all that she or he has done for you, will make both of you happy.

Technically, teaching is difficult, and those teachers who can truly make a difference deserve more than just appreciation.

As a student, appreciation may be all that you have to offer, so make sure that you write your letter properly.


In your appreciation letter, talk about all the positives of your relationship with your teacher.

Thank him or her for not giving up on you. Appreciate the fact that he or she stood up for you when you needed it the most.

Tell her or him what they mean to you.

See also: Teacher Appreciation Letter from Principal

Want to see a sample? Here is one:


Teacher Appreciation Letter from Student


March 11, 2019

Ms. Hilda Greene
100 Bear Road
Fort Lauderdale, FL 38469


Dear Ms. Greene:

I was reflecting on how my life has changed since you became my teacher. You are not only a teacher for me but a mentor and a friend.

Had it not been the fact that you lifted me when I needed it the most, I would not have been where I am now. As a sacred and confused 13-year-old, I had no one to look up to. You changed that as soon as you met me. Since then, I have held on to your words of wisdom. They have stopped me from going astray during some many troubling moments.

The fact that you make me a bright student says a lot about your ability to make lives. Your confidence in me pushed me to do my best. Fifteen years later, I am a successful teacher myself and have been doing my best to walk in your footsteps where my own students are concerned.

Ms. Green, I think of you every day, and remember all that you have taught me. Thank you so much for being a constant presence in my life. I am forever indebted to for all that you have done for me.


Much love,


Dana Carter

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