Once you receive notification that says that you have been accepted for a position for which you spent a great amount of time and effort, you will need to sign an acceptance letter.
The offer letter that you receive along with the acceptance letter, will hold details of your salary and benefits.
Signing the acceptance letter means that you have read the terms of both these and accept them.
However, if you feel that you have been shortchanged where the offered salary is concerned, you may write an acceptance letter (in addition or in place of the format already provided by the company) to chart out your concerns.
Some companies may not send you an acceptance letter – they may just ask you to write one from scratch.
In such an event, make sure that you highlight your concerns regarding the salary that you have been offered, backing them up with information such as the advanced skills and experience that you possess.
If you want to negotiate the salary that has been offered to you, you need to make a case for yourself. What is it that makes you think that you deserve a higher salary? The following is one way to convince the employer:
Negotiating Salary in Acceptance Letter
July 16, 2022
Mr. Craig Samuel
Hiring Manager
Global Tracking Systems
88 Tile Works Road
Arlington, VT 05250
Dear Mr. Samuel:
I would like to thank you profusely for offering me the position of Marketing Manager at Global Tracking Systems. As I mentioned in the interview, I had been looking for just such an opportunity where I would be able to provide the benefit of my experience as a marketing manager, to bring the company on the map within the industry.
While I look forward to working at Global Tracking Systems, I do have one concern. The salary bracket which you have offered me is at least 20% less than what I deserve (and drawing in my present place of work), as I am both experienced and qualified to obtain a higher salary. This fact is evident from the 10 years that I have spent working in the marketing arena, 4 of which have been at a managerial level.
I am sure that through dialogue, we can come to a mutual agreement to place me in a higher salary bracket. I look forward to hearing from you soon and anticipate working with your organization in the near future.
David Hall