Not Feeling Well Email to Boss

Updated on: March 15, 2019

Email is the quickest and easiest way to inform your boss that you are not feeling well.

Whether you are at work and have started feeling unwell, or haven’t made it work yet, writing an email is important to let your boss know.

In your email, highlight what is making you take the day off, or leave early. Talk about how serious it is that you have to leave immediately.

If you feel that you may need extended leave, inform your boss. And if there is a project deliverable that you are responsible for, make sure that you provide suggestions on how it can be managed.

It is important to realize that your leaving early because you are not feeling well may have a negative effect on the company, especially if you have a deadline to contend with.

Make arrangements, and then inform your boss that you are not feeling well enough to stay back.

See also: Sick Leave Email to Boss

Here is an email sample that you can look through:


Not Feeling Well Email to Boss


Subject: Leave Request

Dear Ms. Bristles:

I have suddenly started to feel a little under the weather. I came in fine this morning, but as the day is progressing, my energy level is going down. I am not sure whether it is because of the sudden change in weather or something else, but I feel unable to cope with work at this point.

Presently, I am working on Project Lead Me, which is halfway through. As you know, the deadline for this project was extended by 3 weeks due to some funding problem. In view of this, I am sure that I can take some time off, so that I feel better soon, and get back on track. For today, I have handed over my work to Ms. Gemma Collins who has been kind enough to agree to manage the module.

At this point in time, a little rest will go a long way in making me feel like myself again. I will remain reachable through phone and email. I am sure I will be back on my feet tomorrow, but if I am still feeling as bad, I will call in.

Thank you for understanding my predicament at this time. I truly appreciate the way you have always been so supportive.




Sullivan Manning
Project Head

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