If you are looking to enroll yourself in a college or university, you will need the services of an admission representative.
Admission representatives recruit and evaluate prospective students for academic programs. They read applications and decided which students to interview and eventually hire.
Admission Representative Job Scope
Technically, admission representatives correspond to the academic institutions that they work for. They liaise with different schools to set-up and participate in fairs and seminars so that they can attract students to their institute. They also conduct seminars and workshops on various programs that their university or college may be offering.
One of the primary jobs of an admission representative is to promote the institute that he or she represents. They make use of their communication skills to market the college’s or university’s programs by preparing and carrying out presentations and establishing effective rapport with both students and faculty. Once they have prospected students, they evaluate them and offer admissions to the ones who fit their institute’s criteria.
To be eligible for the position of an admission representative, you have to possess an associate degree in education or a similar discipline. If you appear for an interview for this very interesting job, you will find the following interview questions and answers for some help.
Admission Representative Interview Questions and Answers
Why did you choose this career path?
I believe that education is a fantastic avenue since it nurtures the mind. I wanted to be able to contribute something to this field and found that I have a natural talent for presenting the importance of good education to the masses.
What is the role of an admission representative?
Representing the institution, you are working for, promoting it to students, evaluating prospective students and admitting them is what an admission representative is supposed to do. The role is simple; you seek out the best possible student base for your institute, and you ensure that they are provided with the opportunities that your institute is offering.
What do you feel is the most important activity that an admission representative is expected to carry out?
I believe that follow up is very important. Once you have identified the students who you would like to be a part of your institution, it is essential to follow up on them to make sure that they are comfortable with the requirements and logistics of the program.
What are your recruiting strategies as an admission representative?
Visiting targeted high schools and colleges is the first thing I do. I ensure that I attend all academic fairs and conferences within targeted areas and make sure that I host as many information sessions and workshops as possible.
What skills do you think are most important in an admission representative’s role?
I believe that possessing exceptional communication skills is of the utmost importance. Only if you have outstanding communication skills can you put across your point? Equally important is understanding the mechanics of the programs that you are representing.