Sample Character Reference Letter for Court

Updated on: August 17, 2021

Court cases can be tricky. Especially if you or someone you know is stuck in one.

But did you know that it can be in your hands what the judge decides about the person who has been accused of wrongdoing?

A character reference letter may be part of a court case’s standard procedure. Or one may be asked to determine if the accused is popular in the society that he moves around in.

In either case, a character reference letter is usually asked for from a neighbor, an employer or even a family member if the court is sure that no bias will be involved.

What exactly is a court character reference letter?

The point of writing such as letter is to provide a deeper insight into what the accused is like as a person.

If you have been asked to write a character reference letter for someone you know who is involved in a court case, you should ask yourself the following before agreeing to write one:

  1. Is the person for whom I intend to write a character reference letter known well to me?
  2. What is the charge?
  3. What positive things can I write about this individual?
  4. What I write affect the defendant’s job and family?
  5. Am I really helping by writing a character reference letter?

Truthfully answering these questions will help you decide what to write in a character reference letter and if you really can write one in the first place.

Here is an example to help you write one:

Court Character Reference Letter Sample

August 17, 2021

The Presiding Magistrate
North Minnesota Courts
1236 Road 5547
Aztec, NM 10356

Subject: Character Reference for Alan Simmons

Your Honor:

Alan Simmons and I have been neighbors for over 15 years and have worked for the same organization for the past 5 years. I can confirm that he is a man of great integrity and is dedicated to his wife of 12 years and his 3 young children.

During the time that I have worked with Alan, as well as lived as his next-door neighbor, I have never known him to break the law or become part of any unlawful activity. In the neighborhood, he and his wife are often playfully referred to as the Florence Nightingale Couple as they have helped other neighbors during emergency situations and have also offered to babysit their children.

I understand that Alan has pleaded guilty to DUI (drinking under the influence of alcohol) and I can vouch that this is the first time he has been irresponsible. He is highly remorseful and has vowed never to touch alcohol again. I maintain that he is an extremely responsible individual, albeit human, which is why I believe that this one mistake should be forgiven.

If you need any further information regarding Alan’s character or require me to appear in court to verify the information that I have provided here, please feel free to contact me at (000) 666-1254.

Thank you,


Dale Wells
12 Road 5570
Aztec, NM 10383
(000) 666-1254