If you have been asked by a friend to write a reference letter for him, the chances are that he has been asked to provide one by a prospective landlord for child custody purposes, membership, court hearing, foster care, parole hearing, or a scholarship.
A personal reference letter is more of a character certificate than anything else. Personal reference letters provide information to readers about what a particular person’s personality is and if he is eligible to fit a purpose.
Typically, personal reference letters provide readers with a reliable, overall picture of what the individual is all about.
For any of the reasons stated above, it is important to choose the right kind of person – after all, you do not want to give child custody to someone who might turn out to be an offender – or a scholarship to someone who can afford the cost of education for which he has applied for.
Deciding to write a personal reference letter can be full of confusion. People often ask themselves:
• Will I be apprehended or blamed if something goes wrong?
• Is the person I am writing a reference letter for really worth it?
• Do I know the person well enough to write a personal reference letter for him?
If you can truthfully answer all these questions and still feel that you can write a reference letter, only then must you pen it down. A reference letter for a friend can look something like this:
See also: Letter of Recommendation for a Friend
Sample Letter of Personal Reference for a Friend
November 1, 2019
To Whom It May Concern
I am writing to recommend Anthony Start for an Administrative Assistant job at ABC Company. I know Anthony Start since we were both students at Janesville Primary School in 1995. We have been inseparable since we met in grade 2 and I can safely say that I am probably the only person who knows him very well.
Since Anthony and I both ended up attending the same high school and college, I can confidently say that Anthony is someone who believes in integrity and hard work. Despite umpteen opportunities to play hooky in college, Anthony never missed one class. He was affectionately called “best student” as he would forever be in “assistance mode.”
Having had the opportunity to work with him for a short stint of 10 months, I found Anthony punctual, determined, and results-oriented. We shared an apartment for 16 months, and I cannot deny the fact that he is extremely organized. As someone who has the capacity to put on a cheerful face even when life pulls him down, Anthony is a joy to be with. His maturity, fun-loving nature, and conscientiousness make him a great person to work and live with.
If there is anything else that you need to know about Anthony Start, please feel free to contact me at (000) 987-5678.
Adam Morse
90 Colby Lane
Janesville, WI 88892
(000) 987-5678
adam @ email . com