Top 25 Farm Laborer Interview Questions and Answers for 2023

Updated on: January 10, 2023

An interview is the last step in your hiring process as a farm laborer. In the interview, you will be required to prove that you are the best choice for the role.

This page will provide you with answers to common farm laborer interview questions and their appropriate answers.

Farm Laborer Interview Questions and Answers

1. Tell me about yourself.
Well, first of all, thank you for inviting me for an interview today. I am a hardworking individual with hands-on experience in farming and taking care of crops. I have knowledge of various fertilizers and irrigation techniques, as well as harvesting and packaging.

2. What do you know about irrigation?
Irrigation is basically providing a water channel to crops but it is very tricky because under-watering and over-watering both can be harmful to the crop.

3. Which farm machinery are you familiar with?
I am well-versed in all mechanized farming equipment, electric irrigators, and harvest equipment. I am also trained in using bobcats and forklifts.

4. Why do you want to work with us?
Your company is a very popular name and I have always longed to be a part of your winning team as I’m highly inspired by your unique farming style.

5. Which tasks were you responsible for at your previous workplace?
I was mainly responsible for ensuring proper and healthy growth of crops, irrigating it timely, pruning as needed, and helping out with the harvest and packaging of the produce.

6. What experience do you have with farm animals?
I am familiar with preparing feed mixtures for cows and buffaloes, breeding techniques, milking, and keeping track of animal growth and milk production. I have also had firsthand experience in keeping chicken coops.

7. Which crops do you have the most experience in growing?
I have experience with staples and vegetables but my major time has been spent with a citrus orchid, so that’s my specialty.

8. Why did you choose this profession?
I grew up at a farmhouse and got informal training from my grandfather. I enjoy all aspects of farming and after high school, I decided I wanted to work at a farm.

9. Share your biggest professional accomplishment at your previous job?
I introduced a mechanized irrigation technique at the farm I worked for, that not only reduced labor costs and resulted in a significantly increased yield.

10. What do you think is the most satisfying part of working at a farm?
I like to work in nature and also seeing the hand-planted crop bear fruit is the most satisfying aspect of this job.

11. Do you think a farmer needs people skills?
Definitely yes! Farm laborers do not work in isolation and they need to interact with colleagues, customers, and vendors.

12. What do you know about soil fertilizers?
Soil fertilizers can be of many kinds. We determine the amount and type of fertilizer needed at the time of sowing after soil analysis. It is a crucial step as it ensures proper nourishment of the crop at the growing stage.

13. What experience do you have regarding pesticide administration?
I have been administering pesticides to various crops previously. I am familiar with the administration protocols as well as the health and safety guidelines one must follow while administering pesticides.

14. Do you have a driver’s license?
Yes, I have a current driver’s license. Also, I am able to operate heavy machinery and delivery trucks.

15. What are the three traits of a good farm worker?
A good farm laborer should be punctual, vigilant, and hardworking.

16. How would you react if your farm owner asked you to clean the farm?
Cleaning is one of the basic jobs of any farm laborer. I have always been responsible for keeping the farm premises, storage rooms, equipment, and animal barns clean at all my previous workplaces.

17. What is the daily routine of a farm worker?
Routing may differ according to the type of farm however in general my day as a farm laborer starts with a visit to the barn, collecting eggs and milk, cleaning out pens, and feeding the animals. After some rest, I usually turn towards the fields carrying out assigned tasks and the day is usually concluded by inventory filling, crop charting, and clean-up of the farm.

18. What motivates you while working as a farmer?
Seeing the seedling turn into small plants that bear fruit is the best motivation for a farmer, it is a very rewarding profession.

19. What preventive measures can be taken against crop pests?
Timely administration of pesticides, effective Manuring strategies and carefully removing the infected plants can prevent the destruction of crops due to pest infestation.

20. How is soil prepared for sowing?
Soil preparation is done in several steps that consist of plowing, leveling, moisturizing, and Manuring. The soil must be fertilized and breathable for sowing to take place.

21. Why is weeding important for the good growth of crops, and how do you do it?
Weeding refers to the removal of extra plants and herbs. It is crucial to ensure that the soil nutrients go to the crops and not to unwanted plants. Weeding is done manually while sowing, sometimes herbicides are used.

22. What are the protocols for preserving the harvest?
When the harvest matures, it is collected by cutting and gathering. After cleaning it is stored for later use. Granaries must be fumigated and cleaned out before storage to ensure produce protection from pests and rodents.

23. How important do you think agriculture is for the growth of a nation?
Agriculture is very crucial for a nation’s growth. It not only provides food for the people of the country but also provides job opportunities. Agriculture also contributes to the country’s foreign exchange through export.

24. Share an example of when you handled a difficult situation?
Last year, partial crops began to show signs of pest infestation. It was a stressful period but thanks to our timely diagnosis and treatment of the problem the crop was saved and the products were not affected.

25. Do you deem yourself physically and medically fit for this job?
I have very good physical stamina, can carry up to 70 pounds easily, and have the ability to do manual work for long hours so I deem myself physically fit for this role.

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