Information Systems Manager Job Description Sample

Updated on: June 4, 2019

The world has witnessed a massive boom in technology during the past couple of decades.

This boom has created many new positions for people; the need to handle information systems has grown tremendously over the years.


Position Overview

Information systems managers are business executives who handle and implement information systems within a company.

As an essential bridge between an organization’s business and its IT specialists, information systems managers are in charge of technology-related research, development, and implementation of core information systems.

While most information systems managers work in software and computer systems related companies, they are prevalent in all companies that have information technology needs.

As part of an organization with the said needs, an information systems manager needs to possess knowledge of both technological and organizations needs of the company.


Since they are often called upon to research and implement how technology can help a company reach its objectives, they need to be well versed with the business angle of the organization they are working for.

A typical work day in the life of an information systems manager will require him or her to perform the following duties:

See also: Information Systems Manager Resume

Information Systems Manager Job Description Sample

• Determine the company’s business module and research ways to facilitate business goals through the implementation of technology

• Evaluate systems functionality and user needs and develop facilities to meet these needs

• Establish a need for new systems or upgrades and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to meet those needs

• Schedule periodic updates to the existing systems and ensure that system security issues are addressed

• Make sure that remote users have secure access to the company’s network

• Take measures to ensure that company data is safe from both internal and external attacks

• Perform crisis intervention especially during complicated software and hardware issues

• Handle auditing of systems application and handle systems sustainability by defining and implementing support structures

• Monitor security directives to ensure that they comply with the standards, policies, and procedures of the company

• Serve as a technical point of contact for on-site and remote users

• Procure, install and maintain lifecycles of hardware and software including personal computers, peripheral devices, and software

• Set up accounts for newly inducted staff members and provide them with an initial orientation

• Provide technical support in the event of system failure

• Provide consulting and training services about freshly implemented technology

Category: IT

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