If you are searching for a Concrete Finisher cover letter example, then the internet has so many to offer.
On the other hand, if you are looking for a sample that is of high quality, this is the page where you should stop.
In fact, cover letters are doors to a successful career.
Therefore, they must be taken seriously, especially when you are writing them.
Concrete Finisher Cover Letter Tips
• Customize your concrete worker cover letter explicitly as per the needs of each employer.
• Gather the information prior to writing. For instance, what the hiring manager is looking for in terms of skills, and what you offer to him.
• Use a professional tone together with a somewhat personal touch.
See also:
Concrete Finisher Cover Letter Example
November 17, 2018
Mr. Kurt Gates
Human Resource Manager
Prince Contracting
38 York Road
New York City, NY 62844
Dear Mr. Gates:
I am responding to your Concrete Finisher job posting, as seen on indeed.com. A thorough research about your needs led me to realize that I am indeed a great contender.
As the attached resume indicates, I am very skilled in:
- Smoothing out concrete in segments
- Ensuring that the concrete poured is level
- Leveling concrete using blades and tools
- Smoothing lumps and bubbles
- Washing away excess concrete
- Finishing corners by hand
- Cutting concrete
Owing to my expertise, my employers commended me many times. By the same token, I have attained Employee of the Year award three times in a row.
Furthermore, I explicitly handled the situations where there was a need to pour concrete in inaccessible places. This is because I know foolproof ways of reaching such places.
Above all, I am proficient in leveling concrete to specified depths using a wide variety of tools and equipment.
It will be an honor to meet with you in person in order to provide you with further information on my skills as a concrete finisher. I will call your office soon to set up a meeting date and time. If you need to reach me in the interim, please contact me at (000) 888-8888.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Bradley Paul
Enc: (Resume)