6 Airline Reservation Agent Interview Questions and Answers

Updated on: July 16, 2022

Interviews – you cannot possibly get a job without them.

Here is a set of 6 interview questions and answers to help you:

Airline Reservation Agent Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is the one skill that airline reservation agents need to be well-versed in while on duty?

To be honest, there isn’t just one skill that an airline reservation agent needs to work at in this capacity. But if I were to pick up one, I would say it is the ability to flawlessly use the reservation system of the company that one is working for.

2. And how does that help?

While reservation systems are usually quite standard in nature, different airlines may have different ones that they use. So if you do not know the system particular to the airline for which you are working, it may cause problems such as delays and misinformation.

3. What specific duties have you performed in the role of an airline reservation agent?

I have been actively taking and servicing telephone calls for information on flights and seats, handling reservations, providing fare information, applying discounts on services, and managing refunds. In addition to this, I have been responsible for making sure that customers understand airline rules and regulations, and are made aware of excess baggage issues and costs.

4. How would you react if you were asked to work in a busy airport terminal, as opposed to working in a call center?

I have worked in both. Some reservation agents work in closed offices, where they hardly have any physical contact with customers. Others work on reservation counters in busy airports. I have worked in both these capacities and have no issues working in a busy airport terminal.

5. What would you do if you thought that a passenger was dodgy?

As a passenger reservation agent, I am taught to gauge customers and at any instinctive feeling, I do relay my concerns to my supervisor. If I felt that there was something amiss about a passenger that I was dealing with, I would stall him politely and report him immediately.

6. What does this work mean to you as far as career progression is concerned?

Working with an airline means that you can diversify in many directions. I believe that there is a lot to learn here, and my career direction is quite focused at this moment.