Every job application needs a cover letter to be considered complete, including that of a miner.
As soon as you’re done with the resume, it is time to concentrate on your cover letter.
As an entry-level miner, this may seem a bit difficult to do because of a lack of experience, but there isn’t much to worry about.
In fact, you can write a pretty good cover letter without even mentioning your experience.
At the time writing a cover letter for an entry-level miner position, it is important to keep in mind that your mining skills matter.
An apprenticeship may have taught you something about mining. Mention what you know, and how skilled you are in performing the work.
Specifically, talk about your ability to set up and operate drilling machines. You can also mention what you know about explosives used for mining purposes.
The following cover letter will help you write your own to apply for an entry-level miner position:
Entry Level Mining Cover Letter No Experience
Sam Pinn
000) 080-1552
sam @ email . com
January 21, 2023
Mr. Greg Newton
Human Resources Manager
Mining Co.
2512 Treehouse Road
Columbus, GA 84755
Dear Mr. Newton:
Upon going through the careers page of your website, I came across the vacant position of miner. Once I matched your requirements with my qualifications, I realized that the combination was perfect.
Last week, I finished a mining apprenticeship where I learned much about setting up and operating drilling and mining machinery. I am now quite efficient in safely using explosive materials so as to blast down materials.
During my training, I was also taught to handle the many tasks associated with mining coal and other objects. Specifically, I am competent in picking out the right materials as instructed, and efficiently and safely transporting them. Even though the work is extremely challenging, I have developed ways to make it a little less so, which I will be happy to share with you.
Once hired as a miner at Mining Co., I will be an immediate contributor. To further elaborate on why I am your best choice to hire, I would like to meet with you in person. Next Monday, I will get in touch with your office in order to set up an interview time. Until then, please call me at (000) 080-1552 if needed.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sam Pinn