Cover Letter for Warehouse Coordinator Position

Updated on: February 6, 2021

Avoiding weak statements can make your cover letter win the race. Many people make the mistake of being too honest when they write their cover letters.

Telling a prospective employer that you were let go or that you left a job because you couldn’t get along with your supervisor is as good as telling him that you don’t want the job.

While you may have been let go in actuality or left a job because of your inability to get along with the people at your workplace, you cannot directly say it.

Where warehouse coordinator cover letter writing is concerned, you have to mince your words. We do not encourage lying but speaking the absolute truth can lead you to disaster.

Twist the facts a bit if you have to. You do not have to talk about things that do not matter. Instead of saying why you were laid off, talk about the company’s takeover or merger and the eventual circumstances that led to changes in the structure.

This will give a hiring manager an idea about the fact that you were let go but not because you weren’t a good employee. The nail has been hit in the right place!

A sample cover letter for the warehouse coordinator resume is given below:

Warehouse Coordinator Cover Letter Sample

February 6, 2021

Mr. Dale West
Hiring Manager
564 Lake Road
Newnan, GA 25897

Dear Mr. West:

As a dexterous individual who has over ten years of experience in handling modern warehouse coordination duties, I am applying for a Warehouse Coordinator position at Comcast.

Some of my many competencies that will make me a perfect member of your team include:

  • Extremely talented in making schedules for staff members to ensure smooth warehouse operations.
  • Unmatched ability to manage stock control, plan warehouse resources and activities and meet health and safety requirements of staff members.
  • Deep insight into handling product storage duties by ensuring that designated areas are allocated for different types of items.
  • Well-versed in verifying product inventory reports by comparing logs, reports, and work orders.

Because of my passion to work for Comcast, I’d like to discuss your requirements and my talents in detail. will email you next Monday to see if this is possible to meet with you in person or virtually in a meeting. In the meantime, if you need to contact me, please call me at (000) 120-4141.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you soon.


Jacob Riley