The way you highlight your skills in a resume makes a great difference in how a hiring manager perceives it. If you want to be a hiring manager’s first choice to be hired, you need to do something extra special.
Providing detailed information about your skills and abilities in your resume will work wonders for your cause. When you pay special attention to this area, you are doing yourself great professional favors.
But it is not only the candidate who benefits from writing a well-placed skills section in anICT Support Technician resume. Prospective employers also gain a lot when they see a resume that is spot on with its skills information. When you concentrate on getting your point across, as far as skills information is concerned, you end up providing hiring managers with valuable insight about yourself. This can be used to determine if you are indeed worth the time and effort it would take to call you in for an interview, and possibly hire you.
Employers depend a lot on how skilled a job seeker is to determine if he or she will be perfect for a job. To help them, make sure that you create a skills section that is a class apart from what the rest of the people from the job pool will be writing. To see how skills statements can impress a hiring manager, refer to the examples below:
Sample Skills for ICT Support Technician Resume
• Proven ability to install software and hardware on servers and workstations, according to the specific requirements of each user.
• Highly experienced in detecting, diagnosing and troubleshooting workstation, peripheral and application errors.
• Effectively able to maintain and upgrade a wide range of workstations and peripherals, and install complete applications.
• Deep familiarity with setting disk space and printer quotas, and creating network shares and managing access rights.
• Hands-on experience in creating and maintaining internet filtering systems, and assisting in initial server setup and system installation.
• Demonstrated expertise in producing and analyzing reports on support requests for management review purposes.
• Competent in setting support priorities, balancing response to support requests and planning monitoring and maintenance of ICT systems.
• Qualified to plan and implement changes to all elements of the ICT service, with special focus on minimizing system downtime.
• Special talent for creating a structured approach to rolling out new hardware and software, including procurement and testing.
• Focused on supporting the implementation of management information systems, and implementing virus protection directives to protect important data and information.