There is so much that one hears and reads about Field Technician cover letter writing, that it often becomes quite a hassle to write one when the time comes.
Let’s stick to the basics so that one of the most important parts of the job application process does not seem like a burden.
A Field Technician cover letter has one purpose only, that is, to make sure that a hiring manager is made aware of an individual’s skills and competencies. If you stick to providing just this information, you cannot go wrong in your cover letter writing efforts.
As mentioned above, it is important to provide information about what you can do for a hiring manager. But this information will be of little or no use to a hiring manager unless he or she can sync it with what is required by the company. Matching the two will get you where you want with your cover letter.
The following Field Technician Cover Letter sample will tell you how to go about it:
Field Technician Cover Letter Sample
January 9, 2019
Ms. Winona Holmes
Human Resource Manager
IT Solutions Inc.
485 Trevor Road
Las Vegas Valley, NV 37844
Dear Ms. Holmes:
Upon seeing your advertisement for a field technician on, I found a good match between my qualifications and your requirements. My skills and abilities, together with hands-on experience make me an excellent candidate.
As can be seen in the attached resume, I possess exceptional competencies in setting up and configuring computer systems in many environments including offshore sites, and central locations. My comprehension of providing end-user support and training is excellent. Similar is my ability to handle provisioning of accounts and access for various network and business systems.
With my expertise in managing information technology threats, I will be a great support system for your organization.
Anticipating a meeting with you soon, I will contact you on Monday to set up an interview date that suits you. You may reach me at (333) 333-333 if you need any further information.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hammond Lori
Enc: (Resume)