A letter of intent or a personal statement is a basic requirement of all graduate schools.
Students are required to provide this as part of their admission application set.
The purpose of this document is to convince a school or college board that you are the right student for the program and that you should be chosen.
If you are applying to study at a graduate school, you will need to send a statement of intent to let the school know why you are a suitable applicant.
Related: Letter of Intent for Nursing School
The following is a simple statement of intent that you can customize to write your own.

Sample Letter of Intent for Graduate School
Alvina Peter
325 Cooper Street
San Diego, CA 65241
(000) 987-0954
November 25, 2021
Graduate Program Director
California State University
San Diego, CA 60124
Attn: Graduate Selection Committee
I am writing to apply for the master’s degree program in Elementary Education at California State University for fall 2022. With a background in Education and Disability Studies, my interest in the field of education is intense.
My brief professional experience includes working as a teacher at ABC School where I had the opportunity to work with weak students. I had the time to study how the dominant student groups always have more opportunities and chances to move ahead. This also made me aware of how the weakness of one kind engulf the personality can stop the personal growth of children. This fact also created my interest in Inclusion as a field of study at the graduate level.
The idea of the inclusion of children with disabilities is fairly new and extremely important. It has inspired a tremendous interest because it is based on special attention for marginalized groups and special children and focuses on the principle of the same curricula and conditions for all.
The course outline provided for MA/PgDip/PgCert Inclusion encompasses principles for working in a trans-cultural and trans-ethnic environment and policies for partnership and teamwork which will allow me to learn about the working environment in diverse fields. This has been my field of study and acquiring this degree will facilitate my ambition of serving in my own country with the same unbiased and discrimination-free environment, be it for the special children or the marginalized minority communities.
These, being a part of the international laws, must be implemented the world over and that is why their scope for the future is also immense. Since I will also be able to research the facilities provided by your institute and will also be able to work with professionals during my academic tenure, I am looking forward to gaining immense knowledge and experience.
Additionally, I will be able to work with minorities and devise legalities to allow equal opportunities to diverse groups. I will also be able to learn about the procedures and principles involved in bringing these about. Through my study in the same field, I have learned about the reactions of people that are universal and those which are specific to the class, gender, and culture. My acquired knowledge of this, added to the degree I am applying for will go a long way in facilitating my professional career.
Since the course outline includes the legalities involved in this, I will be able to understand the more intricate issues and work according to the legal procedures required for undertaking such tasks. I have always wanted to study the trans-cultural and trans-regional aspects of professional life and how these factors could be overcome by learning about the psychology of people.
While I have had personal experience of doing the same during my undergraduate degree, I am looking forward to experiencing the difference and the challenge that doing the same in the professional environment will pose to my abilities.
It is my desire and ambition to make a difference in the lives of the children who are not provided with equal opportunities, and this will allow me to bring about the realization of my dream.
[Sign Here]
Alvina Peter