An admissions coordinator is a person who screens people wanting admission to an organization. If you are one or want to be one, then you will be the link between the organization and its clients, that is, the people who want admission.
This person needs to be able to handle all sorts of inquiries and complaints. He or she as to make sure that before a person is admitted into the organization, all the processes are complete. An admissions coordinator has to make sure that all the documentation is also complete and available.
For all of this, you have to have excellent technical skills to maintain databases. You also need superior people skills because you’ll be dealing with many, many people: the management of the organization; the staff of the organization; and the people who want to get into the organization. You can’t make any of these people angry, especially the people who want admission, so you have to be something of a diplomat.
You must also have excellent management skills, and be dependable and dedicated. So how do you write an objective statement for your resume that reflects all this? Let’s see:
Admissions Coordinator Resume Objective Examples
• Admissions Coordinator position with St. Luke’s Hospital utilizing my skills in managing screening and admissions procedures to orchestrate smooth flow of operations
• Seeking a job as an Admission Coordinator at The Family Hospice where my interactive and conciliatory skills are utilized in a reputed healthcare environment
• Looking for a position as an Admissions Coordinator at Nashville Health where my experience in management and communication is fully used to manage the core admissions work of the facility
• To obtain an Admissions Coordinator position at Little Sprouts where I can use my extraordinary skills in office work and administration to contribute to the schools’ mission
• A challenging position as an Admissions Coordinator in an equally demanding environment of Secada School where my skills in coordinating admissions and administrative work coinciding with efficient input will be utilized to bring about positive work influence
Remember, what the admissions coordinator has to embody is efficiency. The processes have to be so efficient that the management can forget all about them. So write your resume, and your objective statement accordingly.