Entry Level Midwife Cover Letter with No Experience

Updated on: June 20, 2023

In order to apply for a midwife position, you will require to craft a resume along with a cover letter.

The following cover letter writing tips and sample will guide you in this regard.

How to write an entry-level midwife cover letter with no experience in hand?

  1. Check the job description provided by the employer. From it, take out all the requirements which align well with your skills, and write an impressive cover letter accordingly.
  2. Emphasize your knowledge and training in providing midwifery services to patients.
  3. Customize your entry-level midwife cover letter as per the needs of the employer.
  4. Highlight specific skills and knowledge such as preparing patients for labor and childbirth, educating patients and families, and providing postnatal care.
  5. Mention that your educational background as a midwife is strong, and allows you to be considered for a midwife position.

Entry Level New Midwife Cover Letter Sample with No Experience

Sarah Tarrington
(000) 667-1252
[email protected]

June 20, 2023

Mr. Christopher Miles
Human Resources Manager
George Washington Health
88 White Road
Keene, NH 54012

Dear Mr. Miles:

With great enthusiasm and interest, I am applying for a Midwife position at George Washington Health. Having recently completed my midwifery training, I believe that I can be a perfect fit for your needs. The combination of my academic background in nursing, and special midwifery training will help me contribute significantly.

I am passionate about providing one on one midwifery services to patients while focusing on their specific needs, well-being, and health. Through my education and training, I developed strong skills in:

  • Working with healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat reproductive issues
  • Performing routine screenings
  • Assisting mothers and families in conceiving, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy care
  • Preparing women for labor and delivery
  • Offering emotional and physical support to patients

During an internship at Capital OBGYN, I attained the “Intern of the Month” award owing to excellent input into 2 complicated birthing cases. I am known for being organized, and always eager to learn.

I would like to further discuss this with you in an interview. Please call me at (000) 667-1252 if you need further information. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Sarah Tarrington

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