Employers receive many cover letters during the hunt for one employee for the Nurse Midwife position. Therefore, it gets a bit overwhelming for them at times to decide who to call in for an interview.
To overcome this problem, they pick up the cover letter that appeals to them most in terms of relevance and viable content. So even if the corresponding resume isn’t much to write home about, the candidate still gets a chance to prove herself or himself in front of a hiring manager.
Nurse Midwife Cover letters need to be written with a lot of serious thought. When you write a nurse-midwife cover letter, your main concern should be that it is developed in a way that it talks to the person who will eventually read it.
A cover letter that that focuses on the needs of an employer is sure to hit the spot. Like the sample provided below:
Certified Nurse Midwife Cover Letter Sample
January 24, 2021
Mr. Gregory Mantis
Hiring Manager
Novant Health Services
29 Main Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 18011
Dear Mr. Mantis:
I have been aspiring to work as a Certified Nurse Midwife for Novant Health Services ever since I obtained my AMCB certification 5 years ago. Since then, I have been actively working in this capacity at The Obstetrics Clinic, providing full-scope care to gynecological, antepartum, postpartum, and intrapartum patients. Hoping to replicate this effort and contribution, I would like to offer my resume and credentials for your review.
The diameter of my experience is expansive not because of the number of years that I have spent working as a nurse-midwife, but due to the fact that I have been fortunate enough to oversee and handle a wide variety of cases involving pregnancies and childbirth particularly.
Credited as someone who has a firm grasp on pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, I am the first person to be called upon where complicated cases need to be handled. Being credited with saving 12 lives within a year by recognizing early signs of complications in pregnant patients, I believe that this insight will help Novant Health Clinic on a large scale.
Hoping to elaborate on my skills and competencies in the role of a nurse-midwife, I would like to meet with you in person. I will contact you after a few days to arrange a mutually agreeable time for an in-person or virtual meeting. Until then, you may call me at (000) 457-7141 if required.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Mable Cane