Nanny Reference Letter: Samples and Tips

Updated on: July 16, 2024

Nanny Position Overview

Nannies provide dedicated childcare, catering to the needs of newborns, toddlers, and young children.

Their role includes ensuring safety, fostering development, and creating a nurturing environment.

They also assist with educational activities, daily routines, and emotional support, helping children thrive in their formative years.

Importance of a Nanny Reference or Recommendation Letter

A nanny reference letter is essential for showcasing the caregiver’s qualifications, reliability, and performance.

It offers prospective employers insight into the nanny’s trustworthiness and professional abilities, playing a significant role in helping them secure new job opportunities and build a successful career.

This guide is designed to help you write an effective nanny reference letter.

Here, you’ll find valuable samples and practical tips to craft compelling recommendations for a nanny.

Highlight a nanny’s strengths and qualities effectively, ensuring your letter stands out and aids them in securing future employment opportunities.

Nanny reference letter banner 1
Nanny playing with children

Nanny Reference Letter Sample 1

Jane Doe
123 Maple Street
Springfield, IL 62704
(555) 123-4567
[email protected]

June 28, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend Sarah Johnson as a nanny for any prospective family. Sarah worked for our family for 2 years, during which time she provided exceptional care for our two children, aged 2 and 5 years.

Sarah demonstrated an extraordinary ability to connect with our children, providing both nurturing care and educational activities that promoted their development. Her responsibilities included preparing meals, helping with homework, organizing playdates, and ensuring our children’s safety and well-being at all times.

One of the standout qualities of Sarah is her creativity and initiative in planning engaging and educational activities. Whether it was crafting, outdoor adventures, or educational outings, Sarah ensured our children were always learning and having fun.

In addition to her professional skills, Sarah consistently exhibited a warm and positive attitude. She was punctual, reliable, and always went above and beyond to accommodate our family’s needs.

We were truly fortunate to have Sarah as a part of our family, and I am confident that she will be an invaluable asset to any household in need of a caring and competent nanny.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.


Jane Doe
[Jane Doe’s Signature]

Nanny Reference Letter Sample 2

John Smith
456 Oak Avenue
Shelbyville, IL 61523
(555) 987-6543
[email protected]

June 28, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

I am delighted to write this letter of reference for Emily Thompson, who was our family’s nanny for three years, from March 2021 to March 2024. During this time, Emily cared for our three children, aged 4, 7, and 9 years, providing a safe, engaging, and nurturing environment.

Emily has a remarkable ability to connect with children, creating a bond that instills both trust and affection. She managed daily routines, including preparing nutritious meals, coordinating school activities, and facilitating educational and recreational activities. Her genuine love for children is evident in her enthusiastic and compassionate approach to childcare.

Among the many qualities that make Emily exceptional is her professionalism. She is highly organized, punctual, and always prepared, which made our lives much easier. She also took initiative in anticipating our children’s needs and was highly adaptable to any changes in schedule or routine.

Emily’s proactive attitude and dedication to our family’s well-being were invaluable. She consistently went above and beyond, whether it was staying late when needed or offering assistance with additional household tasks.

I have no doubt that Emily will be an outstanding addition to any family seeking a trustworthy, skilled, and loving caregiver. Should you require additional details about our experience with Emily, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Warm regards,

John Smith
[John Smith’s Signature]

Nanny Recommendation Letter Banner
Nanny with her reference letter

Tips for Writing a Great Nanny Reference Letter

When you’re writing a reference letter for a nanny, it’s important to highlight their skills, qualifications, and personal attributes. Here are some tips to help you write a compelling and effective letter:

1. Start with a Strong Introduction

  • Begin the letter by clearly stating your relationship with the nanny and how long you have known them. Mention the nature of the employment if applicable.

“To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend Jane Doe, who was our nanny for three years.”

2. Detail Their Responsibilities

  • Provide a summary of the duties and responsibilities the nanny handled. This helps the reader understand the scope of their work.

“Jane was responsible for looking after our two children, aged 3 and 7, ensuring their safety, preparing meals, managing nap times, and organizing educational and recreational activities.”

3. Highlight Key Skills and Qualities

  • Emphasize specific skills and attributes that made the nanny exceptional. This might include punctuality, reliability, creativity, patience, and any special certifications or training.

“Jane consistently demonstrated extraordinary creativity and patience, organizing educational games and outdoor activities that were both fun and engaging. Her punctuality and reliability were stellar, providing peace of mind knowing our children were in good hands.”

4. Include Personal Attributes

  • Mention any personal qualities that endear the nanny to your family. This can help paint a fuller picture of who they are.

“Beyond her professional skills, Jane developed a close bond with our children, showing genuine warmth and care. She has a cheerful and kind-hearted nature that brightened our household.”

5. Use Specific Examples

  • Cite specific instances where the nanny went above and beyond their duties. Real-life examples can be powerful and persuasive.

“During a medical emergency when our youngest child had a severe allergic reaction, Jane remained calm and took swift action, calling paramedics and administering first aid which was crucial in that situation.”

6. Provide Contact Information

  • Conclude the letter by offering your contact information for any further questions. It shows you’re willing to vouch for the nanny.

“I am happy to provide further details about Jane’s performance and character. Please feel free to contact me at [your phone number] or [your email address].”

7. Professional Closing

  • End with a professional closing that reinforces your recommendation.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Title, if applicable]
[Your Contact Information]”

By following these tips, you can create a detailed and impactful reference letter that provides a strong endorsement of the nanny’s qualifications and personal qualities.

Recommended: Nanny Recommendation Letter Sample


Username: HappyParent32
Rating: ★★★★★
Comment: This article was incredibly helpful when I had to write a reference letter for our nanny. The samples and tips provided clear guidance, and our nanny was thrilled with the letter we wrote. Highly recommend this resource to any parent in a similar situation!

Username: GratefulMom
Rating: ★★★★★
Comment: The examples provided here were life-savers. I was struggling to find the right words to express how wonderful our nanny is, and this post made it so much easier. Thank you for the detailed tips and samples.

Username: Michelle0012
Rating: ★★★★☆
Comment: Great resource for writing nanny reference letters! The only thing I would suggest is adding more examples for different scenarios, like part-time nannies or those who specialize in caring for children with special needs.

Username: DadOnTheGo
Rating: ★★★★★
Comment: Superb article! I used it to draft a glowing reference for our previous nanny, and she landed a fantastic job thanks to the letter. The detailed structures and specific examples were particularly useful.

Username: FirstTimeUser123
Rating: ★★★★☆
Comment: This was a fantastic find! It really helped me craft a strong reference letter. I would love to see additional tips on how to address any minor issues diplomatically. Otherwise, perfect!

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