Animal Science Intern Resume Example 2

Updated on: June 21, 2023

If you want to obtain an interesting, challenging, and well-paid position once you graduate from high school or college, you will need to put a lot of effort when writing your resume.

The idea of securing an entry-level animal science job with good long-term career growth appeals to all of us. But we have to strive to achieve the position where we can make this happen. Fortunately, there is a lot that you can do to make this a reality.

Once you have found a career-related position that will suit your individual goals, you need to think of ways to “get in there and come out with the prize”. This is not an impossible thing to do if your resume speaks for you.

Remember that your resume for an internship or an entry-level job will differ from someone who has had some experience in hand.

You will have limited information in hand, therefore, you will need to make sure that you use this information as wisely as possible.

At this point, your activities and interest and any volunteer work that you have done can be real assets. These display a great deal about you, providing the hiring authority with information on your integrity and work abilities.

Sample Resume for Animal Science Intern Position

Debra Herbert
552 S Melville Street, Rensselaer, IN 11212
(000) 141-7874
debraherbert @email .com

A passionate animal science student with a deep interest in researching animal nutrition and breeding, interested in obtaining an animal science intern role at ABC Company. Bringing talents in determining the effects of management practices and processing methods on the quality and quantity of animal products.

• Deep familiarity with controlling animal selection and breeding practices to increase production efficiency.
• Skilled at developing and implementing improved practices in feeding, housing, sanitation, and disease control in animals
• Able to handle crossbreeding in animals with existing strains or cross strains to obtain new combinations of desirable characters.
• Proven ability to determine the genetic composition of animal populations by utilizing set principles of genetics.

• Animal Nutrition • Environmental Conditions
• Production Increment • Breeding Techniques
• Disease Control • Traits Heritability
• Animal Selection Research • Immune System Improvement
• Waste Matter Disposal • Infection and Immunity

Bachelor of Science in Animal Science
State University, Rensselaer, IN – 2023


  • Animal Cell & Molecular Biology
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Farm Animal Care
  • Genetics & Breeding
  • Animal Nutrition & Feeding
  • Reproduction
  • Infection and Immunity
  • Animal Diseases


Volunteer – Animal Science Department
ZOETIS, Rensselaer, IN
Mar 2023 – Jun 2023
• Assisted in developing new animal life models and surrogate endpoints
• Researched the effects of management practices, feed, and environmental conditions on the quality and quantity of animal products such as eggs and milk
• Helped in conducting studies concerning animal nutrition and breeding processes
• Provided support in developing improved processes for animal housing and parasite and disease control
• Contributed to devising effective methods of feeding techniques

• Communication
• Compassion
• Teamwork and collaboration
• Quick learner

Excellent references are available on request