Flight Attendant Resignation Letter Sample

Updated on: June 9, 2024

In the fast-paced and dynamic world of aviation, flight attendants play a crucial role in ensuring passenger safety and comfort.

However, despite the many rewards that come with the job, there may come a time when moving on from this career becomes necessary.

Writing a resignation letter can be a challenging task, especially when you want to convey your departure gracefully and professionally.

This page provides a comprehensive and carefully crafted sample resignation letter for flight attendants, designed to assist you in this pivotal moment of your career transition.

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Flight Attendant Resignation Letter Sample

Jane Doe
123 Skyline Drive
Cloud City, AZ 90001
[email protected]

June 9, 2024

Ms. Emily White
WestJet Airlines
200 Jetstream Boulevard
Cloud City, AZ 90002

Dear Ms. White,

I am writing this letter to formally announce my resignation from WestJet Airlines, effective two weeks from today, March 12, 2024. After much deliberation, I have decided to accept an offer to work in the hospitality industry, which I believe will broaden my career horizon and offer new challenges.

Working as a Flight Attendant with WestJet Airlines over the past five years has been an immensely rewarding experience. The opportunities I’ve had to connect with passengers and ensure their comfort and safety on countless flights have been truly fulfilling. Furthermore, the support from the crew have been unparalleled.

Over the next two weeks, I am fully committed to fulfilling my duties and responsibilities. I will assist in the transition of my replacement by making sure that all of the necessary training and briefings are conducted with the utmost diligence and care.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the professional development and mentorship I received during my tenure. The experiences I’ve gained here will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation for my continuing career journey.

Please advise me on the preferred procedures for handing over my responsibilities and finalizing my departure from the company. It is my sincere hope that I can exit on a note that reflects our mutual respect and appreciation.

Thank you once again for providing me with such a wonderful opportunity. I am looking forward to staying in contact and wish everyone at WestJet Airlines the very best for the future.

Warm regards,

[Your Signature (if submitting a hard copy)]
Jane Doe

How to Write a Professional Resignation Letter as a Flight Attendant?

A professional resignation letter as a flight attendant should be succinct, respectful, and ensure that you leave on good terms. Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting a well-composed resignation letter:

1. Start with Contact Information and Date

  • Begin with your contact details at the top left corner, followed by the date.
  • Ensure your information mirrors that of a formal business letter.

2. Address the Letter

  • Directly address your supervisor or the HR department.
  • Use a formal salutation (e.g., “Dear Ms. White,” or “Dear Hiring Manager,”).

3. State Your Resignation

  • Clearly indicate your intention to resign.
  • Specify your final day of work, adhering to the contractual notice period.

4. Express Gratitude

  • Thank your employer for the opportunities provided during your employment.
  • Keep the tone positive and appreciative.

5. Offer Support for Transition

  • Propose to assist with the onboarding or training of your replacement if applicable.
  • Highlight your commitment to ensuring a smooth transition.

6. Close with a Forward-Looking Statement

  • Express a desire to keep in touch and a wish for the company’s continued success.
  • Convey optimism for your future endeavors.

7. Sign-off Professionally

  • End the letter with a formal closing such as “Warm regards,” or “Sincerely,” followed by your signature (if providing a hard copy) and printed name.

8. Review and Edit

  • Proofread your letter for spelling and grammar.
  • Maintain a tone that is professional and courteous.

9. Submit According to Company Protocol

  • Submit your letter via the method preferred by your company, which could be email or a printed copy.

10. Keep It Professional

  • Avoid negative remarks about colleagues or the company.
  • Refrain from including complaints or criticisms in the letter.

11. Maintain Confidentiality

  • If your new opportunities are sensitive or not public knowledge, it might be best not to disclose specifics.

12. Follow Through

  • After submitting your resignation letter, continue to perform your duties responsibly until your departure.
Writing a professional resignation letter sets a positive tone for your departure and leaves a good impression, paving the way for potential future references or reemployment.

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