Before you apply for an insurance claims adjuster position, make sure that your cover letter is in place.
This means that you have to collect information that can be effectively placed in a cover letter.
As an insurance claims adjuster, you should highlight the following points in your cover letter:
- Determining the number of payments that need to be adjusted.
- Dealing with claimants in an effective manner.
- Using different ways in which property and damage inspections are made.
The following cover letter sample is specifically written for an insurance claims adjuster position:
Insurance Claims Adjuster Cover Letter Sample
Randy Cotta
(000) 999- 0000
randy @ email. com
February 22, 2022
Mr. Abraham Park
Human Resources Manager
Aetna Insurance Company
87 Way Avenue
Wheeling, WV 77625
Dear Mr. Park:
I saw your advertisement for an insurance claims adjuster position at Aetna Insurance Company. I am interested in offering my services in this regard. I have 5+ years of experience in this in an insurance adjuster capacity.
Over the last few years, I have mastered the art of inspection. Last year, I uncovered a major insurance fraud that could have given a $500,000 blow to the company where I presently work. Since my insight is so well placed, I am able to determine incorrect claims, and can take immediate action to counter them.
Additionally, I offer expertise in evaluating data such as pictures, and recordings so that claims work can be handled according to protocol. The fact that I am a stickler for perfection is a virtue that will affect your organization in a positive manner as well.
Confident that a meeting between us will provide you with a more solid view of my abilities, I will call you soon to set up an interview time and date. In the interim. Please feel free to contact me at (000) 999- 0000 if any further information is required from my end.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Randy Cotta
Enc: (Resume)