22 Child Care Worker Interview Questions and Answers

Updated on: March 21, 2022

Appearing for a child care worker interview is overwhelming on many levels.

However, if you have the experience, skills, and passion for child care, it is possible to ace the process without much problem.

To ensure this, you will need to make sure that you prepare for the process, by going through possible questions and answers. 

If you want to see some specific for a child care worker interview, please refer to the following set.

22 Common Interview Questions and Answers for Child Care Worker Position

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

I am the eldest of a family of 4, which is how child care comes naturally to me. As I grew up, I knew that working as a child care worker was what I wanted to do as a career. I have been working as one for 7 years now.

2. What specific duties have you performed in a child care worker position in the past?

As a child care worker, my duties have involved monitoring assigned children to ensure their physical and emotional wellbeing and helping them with personal tasks. Maintaining children’s schedules, and cleaning and organizing study and play areas are also part of my work. Additionally, I have been busy maintaining schedules for each child, and preparing and cleaning up meals for them.

3. What specific skills do you possess which make you an excellent person to hire as a child care worker?

I believe that I am excellent in many areas pertaining to child care. The ability to nurture and care for children, and supervise them properly is inherent in me. I am compassionate and loving and go out of my way to make things easy for teachers, parents, and children. I am also well-versed in preparing nutritious meals for children, in accordance with their needs and likes.

4. What is the one skill that you depend on highly when looking after children?

I depend on my ability to reach out to even the most reluctant and introverted children is something which has helped me immensely over the years.

5. What do you like most about child care work?

I love the fact that I get to work with children, as I have an inherent love for them. Loving people you work with is a blessing.

6. What do you dislike about this work?

I feel sorry when I deal with children who have been abused. I put all my energies to make them happy.

7. What do you do when you see signs of emotional or physical abuse?

My first instinct is to make sure that the child knows that they will be safe with me. I then try to extract a little more information from them before I report the issue to facility management. And afterward, I make sure that I provide them with a lot of love and care so that they know that they have a safe haven in me.

8. What is the one thing that you would want to change child care?

I feel that child care is not something that many people take seriously, especially where emotional support is concerned. Children are people just like adults and need the same rights. Parents, teachers, and even care workers often try to place their own values on them and brand them as naughty or rude. We need to address these issues without branding children. I think this thought process seriously needs to change.

9. How do you handle conflict with other people in the workplace?

Where children are concerned, conflict is a given. I take it with a pinch of salt. However, where conflict with adults comes in, I keep my head down, as I don’t want children to be traumatized by how adults are behaving. If someone has a problem with me, they need to talk to me about it after working hours.

10. What is your biggest strength in child care?

My biggest strength is my ability to provide concentrated care to all children under my wing.

11. What is your biggest weakness in child care?

Perhaps I get too emotionally involved with children under my care. I justify it by feeling that they deserve a little extra when they are away from their parents.

12. What does good personal hygiene mean to you?

Excellent personal hygiene is very important for children and care workers alike. I make sure that all children under my care remain clean, and are groomed to ensure that they make cleanliness and hygiene their priority. As for myself, I am a clean freak, so good personal hygiene is a given.

13. As far as teaching is concerned, what is your experience?

I am highly experienced in providing assistance to teachers in preparing lessons and gathering resources. I am also well-versed in helping students in learning new concepts. And I am competent in providing one on one as well as group instruction in sync with the lead teacher’s directions.

14. What is your method of maintaining discipline?

Where younger children are concerned, discipline is never a problem, contrary to popular opinion. If you are a good enough model, children follow your lead, and there are hardly any behavioral issues. However, when children find their feet and tongues, I make sure that I sit them all down and explain the rules and protocols of the facility in a proper manner. And I keep enforcing these rules so that they know what they can do, and what they cannot.

15. Have you ever worked in a child care capacity in a domestic setting?

Yes, I babysat my neighbor’s children when I was in high school. This experience prepared me quite well in handling children of all ages.

16. How do you make sure that children under your care get fed properly?

I talk to parents when their children are first enrolled, to determine what the child likes and if there are any food allergies. I then make individualized nutritional plans for each child to ensure that they eat healthy and great-tasting food. When a child refuses, I still manage to get them to eat their food by playing with them while I feed them.

17. Describe your perfect work environment.

A perfect work environment will be one where children are nurtured emotionally, educationally, and physically.

18. Why do you want to leave your current job?

My present place of work is shutting down due to the prevailing pandemic. I have no choice but to move on.

19. Why do you want to work for us specifically?

I have always been in awe of the wonderful child care services you have provided over the years. At this point in time, I want to be part of an organization that has a vision similar to mine.

20. If we hire you, when can you join us?

I can join you within the next 15 days.

21. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I have always wanted to run my own child care facility. I am not sure if this will happen within the next 5 years, but that is where I am headed.

22. Do you have any questions for me?

I am highly interested in knowing more about the emotional support services that you provide to children at your facility.

How to Perform Well in a Child Care Worker Interview?

1. Dress formally with a special focus on personal hygiene.
2. Use body language to communicate your point.
3. Answer specifically and to the point.
4. Don’t hesitate to ask questions.
5. Practice the above-mentioned interview questions and answers before the interview.
6. Get some information about the prospective company before appearing in the child care worker interview.
7. Take your resume along with you.


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