There is very little that you can tell a hiring manager about yourself as an individual through the resume.
But a cover letter does the job – and it does it well, provided that you make your cover letter speak volumes for you as a candidate.
The trick is to show off, but only in a way that will tell a hiring manager that you are in the market for his or her benefit only.
How does one make sure that one’s cover letter is simply remarkable? The critical thing to do is to make sure that the content of your cover letter tells the hiring manager that there is no one better than you on this planet to do the job correctly.
If you can do this effectively, you have a great chance of being called in for an interview, so that the hiring manager can further gauge you.
The following sample Child Care Owner cover letter will help you write your own:
Child Care Owner Cover Letter Example
July 18, 2018
Mr. Simon Cole
Human Resource Manager
The Tiny Tots
100 Green Fields Road SE
Daytona Beach, FL 18134
Dear Mr. Cole:
I have run The Rainbow Children for 15 years, providing the best in child care to all students enrolled in each program that the facility had to offer. Now, I would like to direct my expertise to The Tiny Tots, in anticipation of providing students here with the best in initial / primary child care.
During the span of my career, I have been actively providing teachers and support staff workers with training so that they can work with children, in accordance with developed child care plans. Since the health and well-being of children have always been my priority, I have been actively providing them with the best by comprehending and working around their limitations. Many of my students are now in high school, and I hear stories of top achievements now and then, making me feel that it was a job well done!
As someone who is focused on providing children with the best in education, and self-development, I have many achievements to my name. The fact that I managed to incorporate an inclusion program within my educational programs goes a long way in suggesting that my vision is not limited to just routine child care.
I would like to further emphasize on why I believe that I am an excellent choice to hire at The Tiny Tots, for which, I will contact you soon. Until then, please feel free to call me.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Brianna Loft
(111) 111-1111