Standout cover letters are not common. And because of this, the minute a hiring manager looks through one that is of the standout quality, they pick up the phone, and call the candidate in for an interview. But writing a standout cover letter is not the easiest thing in the world. There is a lot of research that you have to perform, and you have to make sure that what you write in your cover letter is not something that the hiring manager has read before. But how do you find out? You cannot. How does this work then? Keep reading …
Cover letters for Clothing Buyer job can be written in many ways, but if they do not address the hiring manager’s concern, they are considered no good. These “concerns” can be gauged from the job description that a hiring manager has posted in the advertisement. Address these concerns by relating your abilities to what the hiring manager requires in a candidate, and you are good to go.
What follows is a cover letter sample for a clothing buyer position. Take ideas from it to write your cover letter:
Clothing Buyer Cover Letter Sample
August 16, 2018
Mr. Alexander Andrews
Human Resource Manager
Clothes Mentor
523 Greenview Avenue South
Eden Prairie, MN 30841
Dear Mr. Andrews:
Your posting for a clothing buyer indicated requirements that match my background and qualifications. The fashion retail world has been my home away from home for the last seven years. During this time, I have learned much about purchasing clothing lines that match customers’ requirements, and current trends. Filling retail stores with fashionable outfits that are sure to sell is my forte, and I have had a string of successes in this arena. My attached resume tells great stories about my experience and achievements in this regard.
Making appropriate fashion decisions, aimed at buying clothing lines that fit cultural trends, and will be popular amongst customers is one of my most excellent points. Buying clothes that match the specific requirements of each retailer, and ensuring that all pieces conform to trends is my area of expertise as well. Furthermore, I am well-versed in performing buying activities in sync with budgetary constraints, ensuring that high-quality pieces are picked up, in the lowest possible prices.
Confident that a one on one meeting between us will prove to be mutually beneficial for us, I will call your office soon so that an interview date and time can be decided upon. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Brandon James
(000) 999-9999