Floral Assistant Cover Letter Sample

Updated on: July 12, 2018

If you want to apply for a Floral Assistant job, then you will need to know how to write an effective cover letter for the floral assistant position.

There is more than one way to write a Floral Assistant cover letter. But whichever way you choose, you have to make sure that it says what it is supposed to. Cover letters need to edict why you should be chosen for a particular position within an organization, and what it is that makes you an excellent potential employee.

If this information can be clearly written in a cover letter, chances are that you will be considered high for the position that you have applied for.

Here is a cover letter sample that you can emulate:


Floral Assistant Cover Letter Sample


July 12, 2018

Mr. Max Devin
Human Resource Manager
Zuzu’s Petals
904 Green Valley Road
New London, NH18373


Dear Mr. Devin:

I am highly interested in the position of a floral assistant at Zuzu’s Petals, where I am sure that my expertise in this role will be quite a welcome event. Why I believe that I am perfect for the job is articulated in the attached resume – please give it a viewing.

For the last 4 years, I have been working as a floral assistant at Bloome and Thyme, one of the biggest florist concerns in New London. As you can imagine, my exposure to arranging for plants and flowers, and creating aesthetically pleasing floral arrangements is vast, which I am sure will be quite a treat for Zuzu’s Petal’s customers. If you have seen the floral arrangements that were made for the 4th of July celebrations in Times Square, you will know just how wide my expertise in this area is – yes, I was responsible for the entire floral arrangement for this event!

Hiring me as a floral assistant at Zuzu’s Petals will free you of many worries, such as sales, and customer services, as I will be instantly contributory, allowing you to focus on your business in a more profound manner. Putting this on the table, I would like to meet with you in person, so that we can further discuss this. I will be in touch with you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.




Stella Carter

Attachment: (Resume)

Floral Assistant on Work

Floral Assistant on Work


Additional Guidelines

It is very important to be crisp, and clear when you write a floral assistant cover letter. You cannot mince your words, and you can certainly not write negative things in hopes of being honest.

Be honest about your skills and competencies, but that is it. Do not write unnecessary content, thinking that it will do you any favors because, at the mere sign of redundant information, you are bound to be rejected as a possible candidate.