Social service workers work for government agencies and not-for-profit organizations.
While there is a vast scope for working in this capacity, the work of a social service worker remains the same – providing relevant services to a targeted arena of people.
Social service workers may assist the poor, sick or older adults in trying to reinstate them into society or at the very least provide emotional support.
They work mostly with offenders, mentally unstable people, drug and alcohol abusers and people who may have learning or even physical disabilities.
Below is a cover letter sample for a Social Service Worker resume. It highlights an individual’s interest in providing general social services.
Social Service Worker Cover Letter Sample
Harrison Ford
3 Rice Creek Road, Carthage, MS 33413
(000) 019-999 @ email . com
September 8, 2018
Mr. Charles Wilson
Manager HR
The Carers
388 Lynda Street
Carthage, MS 28292
Dear Mr. Wilson:
I am especially interested in the three basic concerns of social service provision – disability, poverty, and disease. Keeping this as a basis for my concern for social welfare, I offer my services for the position of a Social Service Worker at The Carers. My most recent post at a similar capacity speaks volumes for my character, ethics and a strong ability to work with a diverse population – which should come in handy.
As an individual with a great love for humanity and an intense need to correct all that is wrong with the world, I can become an active contributor to your organization. There is so much that I have already done in the name of social services, and yet I feel that there is much more work that I can do.
While working with the ABC Organization, which catered largely to drug abusers and young delinquents, I learned how to devise and implement care plans tailored to the need of each of my ward. My knowledge extends to coordinating services for the residents in terms of providing them with comprehensive and continuous access to all their needs akin to medical, social and educational factors.
Despite the many challenges that have posed as obstacles in my path, I have been successful in reinstating a multitude of the individual as working citizens of the society, and I take great pride in my successes. My resume will provide you with highlights of my career and will pose as a deciding factor in hiring me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Harrison Ford
Enc. Resume