It is very important to submit a cover letter along with your resume when applying for a mail-hander job.
While the resume will convey details about your profile, the cover letter will give you a chance to relate your qualifications to the needs of the employer.
Think of the Mail Handler cover letter as a tool that can help you market your skills and catch the attention of recruiters in order to land the job that’s best for you.
How to Write a Great Cover Letter for Mail Handler Position?
1. Use a strong opening statement that shows your passion and excitement.
2. Demonstrate some knowledge about the company you are applying to.
3. Write personable and engaging sentences.
4. Communicate the value you’ll bring and how hiring you will add value to the firm.
5. Find out the name of hiring manager and address them directly.
Here is a sample cover letter for mail handler position for yur further guidance.
Mail Handler Cover Letter Example
Nicholas Campbell
77 Riverside Lane
Mesa, AZ
(000) 358-9565
nicholas .campbell @ email . com
August 4, 2022
Jeremy Carter
Hiring Manager
USSP Couriers
921 West Shire Lane
Mesa, AZ
Dear Mr. Carter:
I was thrilled to see your job advertisement for a Mail Handler position at USSP Couriers. Your job description seems closely relevant to my experiences and skills. I’m confident that once hired, you will find me to be an industrious individual with a strong work ethic.
Here are some of my key qualifications that make me an excellent contender for this role:
- Skilled in sorting mail and parcels according to zip code and cancelling stamps
- Proven ability to sort mail with accuracy
- Expert in freight handling and forklift operations
- Strong attention to detail
- Apt at preparing large batches for delivery
- Good physical stamina and hand-eye coordination
- Able to lift 50 pounds
I’m known for accuracy in mail sorting and stamp cancelling and my experience in hand delivering customized birthday and other special event cards and parcels will come in very handy in your company’s gifts and wishes section.
I look forward to discussing this role in detail at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jeremy Carter
(000) 358-9565