You will never need to have your cover letters reviewed by an expert if you keep a few things in mind.
The foremost problem that most people face when writing a cover letter is its content.
We all know the “three-paragraph rule” since we were taught basic letter writing in school. However, it is the type of language and the tone that really matters.
You do not have to be rigid in your tone or write too “professionally.”
Employers of today do not want that. They want to be communicated to and what best way to do this than by simply stating why you are writing?
Mincing words is a no-no nowadays, so make sure that you are absolutely clear about what you have to say to a hiring manager.
Therefore, in a cover letter for operating room technician resume, your language should be “your own” with titbits of professionalism thrown in.
Operating Room Technician Cover Letter Sample
542 Pine Street, NW
Rochester, NH 25141
February 11, 2020
Ms. Angela Wilson
Hiring Manager
Lourdes Health System
700 Chestnut Street
Rochester, NH 067854
Dear Ms. Wilson:
I thrive best in an environment that offers extreme challenges. The main reason behind choosing Lourdes Health System to work as an Operating Room Technician is the fact I love working in busy and challenging environments.
If chosen to work as an operating room technician at your hospital, I will bring the following qualifications:
• Documented success in effectively preparing operating rooms prior to each case in accordance with the specific requirements of the surgery.
• Demonstrated ability to prepare surgical instruments and equipment for autoclaving by following OR protocols.
• Exceptionally well-versed in handling patient preparation duties by disinfecting surgical areas and providing them with procedural education.
These talents, coupled with two years of related experience, will enable me to contribute to your team immediately. I will call you during the week of February 15th to set up a meeting date and time. If you need to reach me before then, please contact me at (000) 142-7474.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jessica Taylor
Enc: Resume