Data Specialist Cover Letter Sample

Updated on: June 27, 2016

Unprofessional language and lengthy cover letters never bring interviews. While we don’t suggest that you write just one paragraph, writing too many will hinder your chances of being taken seriously. You may have a million qualifications, but when you write a cover letter, you must limit yourself by writing just a few. Begin with topic sentences and ensure that the strongest and most relevant qualifications are highlighted in the beginning.

The beginning of your letter should focus on your qualifications and accomplishments and the latter part should emphasize your dedication to work. At the end, do yourself a favor by ending your cover letter with an action close. An action close is basically a manner in which you end your cover letter that signifies that you will contact the organization for a follow up. If you leave it up to the hiring manager to contact you, you may never hear from him again!

During the course of your cover letter, make sure that you appeal to company values, attitudes and goals. If there are any projects that the company has taken up which are related to your position, do not be shy in mentioning how you can contribute. Here is a cover letter sample that does this:


Data Specialist Cover Letter Sample


34 16th Street #421
Atlanta, GA 52144

June 27, 2016

Ms. Olivia Holmes
Hiring Manager
Mastermind Inc.
5 Peachtree Drive
Atlanta, GA 21410


Ms. Holmes:

As a skilled data specialistwith over 10 years of experience in hand, I would like to be considered for Data Specialist position at Mastermind Inc.

Keeping in mind your specific requirements, following are some of competencies and talents:

• Documented success in successfully providing analysis of data and applying analytic procedures to manage data integrity
• Effectively able to put in place data restoration procedures in accordance to set standards and protocols
• Highly skilled in performing analysis on large volumes of data, manage data in unusual formats and converting it into usable forms

The true extent of my data specialization can be judged if you meet with me. I will call you to have a meeting arranged and until then, you may reach me at (000) 696-2014.



David Troll
