Sample Letter Inquiring About Hiring Decision

Updated on: April 30, 2018


Once you are done with your interview, it is essential to follow up on the status of your application as this shows the employer that you are enthusiastic about obtaining a particular position.

Let us see a generic example how an administrative assistant will write a letter to the HR department inquiring about their hiring decision.

You can get ideas from this sample to write a professional letter inquiring about the hiring decision.



Sample Letter Inquiring About Hiring Decision



1009 Hankerson Road
Chelsea, ME 77702

April 30, 2018

Mr. Mathew Jones
Manager HR
Alpha Delta Co.
337 Elm Street
Chelsea, ME 80112

Re: Inquiry About Hiring Decision (Administrative Assistant)

Dear Mr. Jones:

I am writing to inquire about the status of my interview for the position of an Administrative Assistant at Alpha Delta Co. Having had the pleasure to meet with you last Thursday and getting to know more about the company has instilled in me the want to be a part of this organization even more now.

I would like to reiterate my interest in this position as I am convinced that I am very well suited for it. As discussed in the interview, I possess excellent organizational skills along with profound know-how of office management procedures. Now that I know more about Alpha Delta Co, I am already in the process of mentally planning how I can add to its professionalism to orchestrate a smooth flow of operations.

Thank you for taking out the time and interviewing me. I am very excited at the prospect of joining your organization and awaiting a positive response from your side. I can be reached at (000) 398-8547 or via email at [Email].

Thank you once again for your time and consideration.



Deborah Campbell