Real Estate Salesperson Job Description

Updated on: June 4, 2019

The job of a real estate salesperson is no different from that of a real estate agent – looking for properties that a client desires and ensuring that sales are closed promptly.

However, between the above two, there is a lot that needs to be done.


Real estate salespersons usually create a bridge between two clients – a buyer and a seller – and then help them purchase and sell their properties.

It is essential for real estate salespersons to be knowledgeable about their surroundings – local listings, locations, prices, etc. – so that they can provide accurate information to their clients.

The type of properties a real estate salesperson deals in depends on his or her specific job duties or interest; many opt for commercial property selling activities as they have a higher cut in them.

Mostly, you can find a real estate salesperson that can provide with both residential and commercial solutions.





Real Estate Salesperson Job Duties and Responsibilities

• Confer with clients to determine their buying or selling needs.

• Take and record information regarding the property and its history.

• Research properties to establish if any litigations or “stories” may be associated with it.

• Make appropriate research reports for own benefit and that of the client.

• Make appraisals on properties by using local comparisons.

• Create a portfolio of possible locations that fit into the criterion provided by clients.

• Show buyers several sites according to their needs and provide detailed information on each of them.

• Accompany clients to locations and explain features of homes or offices.

• Quote asking prices and negotiate with both parties in bringing costs to market level.

• Ensure that the purchasing party’s financial background is stable.

• Determine a workable purchase method and ensure that both parties go through with it.

• Prepare necessary paperwork and make sure that all signatures and identifications are obtained.

• Ensure that purchase is legal and binding by contacting the relevant legal department.

• Make sure that buildings are adequately repaired before being handed over to the buyer.

• Work with loan officers and agencies to complete purchases dependant on loans.

• Ensure that a list of possible leads is maintained, filed and updated on a regular basis.

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