Real Estate Broker Job Description
Many people believe that real estate brokers and real estate agents are two names for one position. In actuality, this is quite far from the truth.
Real estate brokers are licensed individuals who usually work for themselves while real estate agents have to work for brokers unless they get a license of their own.
Real estate brokers are credited with assisting clients in locating, buying, and selling commercial and residential properties. While most brokers usually perform selling and buying activities of all kinds of properties, many specialize in types of properties.
It is often quite difficult to locate appropriate properties yourself which is why asking for assistance from a real estate broker makes sense.
Not only do they locate properties according to your needs, but they also handle the paperwork associated with it, which is cumbersome. Another reason for people to use real estate brokers’ services is the fact that brokers have a lot of marketing exposure and are thus able to put out their clients’ properties into the market to can engender quick results.
A real estate broker is not just a link between clients looking to buy and sell the property. There is much more to a broker’s work than providing mere liaison services. Following is a list of duties that a real estate broker performs:
Job Duties to Use in a Real Estate Broker Resume
• Solicit prospective clients who want to buy and sell properties.
• Confer with clients to determine their buying and selling needs regarding real estate.
• Obtain appropriate written agreements from property owners who want to put up their properties for sale.
• Determine prices of properties by comparing with similar properties and in accordance with market rates.
• Bring buyers and sellers together by arranging meetings.
• Act as an intermediary between buyers and sellers akin to prices and negotiations.
• Create presentations for the benefit of providing clients with detailed property information.
• Generate and maintain lists of saleable and buyable properties and refer to them for each client.
• Handle conflicts and disagreements between parties.
• Ensure that all property related paperwork is complete and accurate.
• Make sure that any property being sold or bought is free from litigation.
• Handle interviewing, hiring and training of new real estate agents.
• Supervise agents’ work to ensure that all clients are being serviced appropriately according to the policies of the company.
• Supervise all the transactions that agents are involved in.
• Ensure that all properties on the panel meet environmental regulations.
• Perform marketing activities for properties listed with the company.
• Be present at the closing table to ensure proper agreement formalization.
• Work with real estate appraisers to ensure smooth deal closure.