A farm manager’s work is very important, which is why a farm owner will want to hire someone with great skill.
When you apply for this job, it is essential to focus on your farm management skills and accomplishments in your cover letter.
When you embark on the farm manager cover letter writing journey, make sure that you know exactly what the employer is looking for. This way, you can match your skills to those requirements, and present an excellent cover letter.
As far as experience goes, do not focus on it too much, as you are bound to take focus away from your skills.
Just mention that you have experience in overseeing farmhands, and working with crop suppliers, and leave it at that.
Farm Manager Cover Letter Sample
Trevor Jacobs
(000) 111-3631
[email protected]
March 5, 2020
Mr. Kerry Gold
Human Resources Manager
Family Farms
521 Tree Road
Concord, NH 39273
Dear Mr. Gold:
Your posting for a Farm Manager position at Family Farms made me see how well-placed my skills and experiences are in sync with your requirements. This led me to apply for this position.
At the moment, I am working as a farm manager for the Guinness’, whose farm is located about 5 miles north of yours. Here, my work involves ensuring the overall successful operation of the farm in terms of people, animals, and crops.
Precisely, I offer the following skills:
- Analyzing existing operations, crops, livestock, staff, and financial documents
- Ensuring that seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and other supplies are regularly restocked
- Scheduling repairs and maintenance on farm buildings, and livestock dwellings
- Handling the marketing and sales of items produced on the farm
My past successes in a farm manager position include a rapid increase in product sales and a solid decrease in wastage. In view of my achievements and abilities, I am sure that you will be interested in my professional profile.
In order to further build-up on this, I would like to meet with you in person. I am thankful for your time and consideration.
Trevor Jacobs