Pizza makers work in a variety of culinary settings and mostly in places where pizza is a specialty.
Their job is simple enough – to make pizza. People working in this position usually get on-the-job training.
If you want to apply for the Pizza Maker position, you may use the following cover letter sample to make a perfect job application package.
Sample Cover Letter for a Pizza Maker Job
Laurel Beckham
3661 Adon Road
Rozet, WY 77777
(000) 111-1111
October 29, 2021
Mr. Donald Parker
Manager HR
Domino’s Pizza
3301 Ontario Avenue
Rozet, WY 55553
Dear Mr. Parker:
I found your advertisement for a Pizza Maker at Domino’s Pizza and would like to offer my services for the same. I have been working for Pizza Time for seven years in a similar capacity and am convinced that I possess the expertise and the training required to be successful at this job.
Throughout my work experiences, I have had the opportunity to not only make traditional pizzas but also to bake garlic bread, calzones, and other pasta dishes. I am proficient in stretching the dough just as much as is required by international standards and possess excellent knowledge of managing pizza toppings. I also maintain extensive knowledge of different types of ovens used in pizza baking and the time that is needed for different types of pizzas to bake.
I am enclosing my resume here for your consideration and will call you after the weekend to set up a meeting time with you. Should you need to contact me before that, I’ll be available at (000) 111-1111.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Laurel Beckham
Enc. Resume